
2013-07-06 14:47:03 3425
今天Larry和Li Hua下课以后一起去吃午饭,Li Hua会学到两个常用语:threads和load up。(campus noise)LL: Hey, Li Hua, those are nice threads you're wearing.LH: Threads? - 那不是"缝衣服用的线"吗?哎哟,Larry, 你是说我的连衣裙开线了吗?LL: No, no. Threads, when used in plural, is another word for clothes. I was just telling you that you are wearing nice clothes.LH: 噢,原来thread用作复数--threads,就可以代表"衣服"。这倒挺合理的,因为衣服就是用线织成的嘛!你刚才说these are nice threads, 原来是夸我的连衣裙漂亮啊!LL: That's right!LH: 谢谢你,Larry, 其实,这件连衣裙挺旧的了。 Larry,要是我说一件衣服,是不是要用单数thread?LL: No. It's always threads. I think that's because even one piece of clothing is made of many threads.LH: 说得也是,即使一件衣服,也是用很多很多线做成的,所以,还是要用复数 - threads.LL: So, Li Hua, let me test you. If I say, "I went shopping yesterday and bought lots of threads", what does that mean?LH: 这么简单的句子,还要考我。你是说"我昨天买了很多衣服"。Larry,你真的买了好多衣服呀?LL:No, I was just giving you an example. I don't go shopping for threads.LH:你老是穿牛仔裤加T恤衫,怎么也不换换样子嘛?LL: What's wrong with the threads I'm wearing? Oh, please, Li Hua, my threads are just fine -- Jeans and

