No body is nobody[福说英语][21-04-21]

2022-09-16 18:54:1712:58 162



Hello~ everyone! Welcome back to English Panorama, this is welkin, nice to meet you.今天呢,我想和大家分享一个听起来不是那么令人舒服,甚至有些女生会感觉被冒犯到的小故事。


Recently, the school basketball game is going on excitingly, and the teams met in fierce contention for a higher place. As a basketball fan, certainly, I will not miss a game. However, last Sunday, when I was warming up and waiting to get on the court, I heard some men in the referee’s bench(裁判席)comment on the body of a chubby(微胖的)girl in the other team. I can’t even tell you how horrible the words they comment on her were, but it can be sure that the girl would be very sad if she heard them. What was worse, their attitude was as casual as they were just talking about how the weather is today, and the indiscretion and casualness in their words revealed that they were unaware that the behavior was very impolite, ungraceful, and offensive.


This really shocked me, because i haven’t experienced such disgusting words before, and haven’t realized body shame is so close to us. Body shame,直译为“身体羞耻”,通常指因为别人的外在特征,包括长相、身材、体重等客观存在,以任何形式有意或无意发表的负面言论。在某些严重的情况下,body shame也被视为一种歧视,因为其常常与社会大环境的刻板印象相关联。而在我们的文化中,来自他人的审视与评头论足并不是什么新鲜事。国内主流平台刷屏的“A4腰、锁骨放硬币、反手摸肚脐”的挑战活动,看似在展示身材,实际无形之中向女孩们制造身材焦虑,灌输着刻板的“白瘦幼”的审美。还有一些不易察觉的“body shame”,如“女孩子总要涂点口红才有气色”,“你挺好看的,就是黑了点” ,看似包裹善意,实则与直白的评头论足并无区别,同样在不断地人为制造外貌焦虑。

Under these circumstances, body shame puts women under a tremendous amount of pressure, which can lead to some physical and mental illnesses. For example, many girls are suffering from eating disorders(进食障碍)caused by losing weight, and their dissatisfaction with their appearance will even bring inferiority(自卑)and shame. Many people are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their images in the mirror, and their demands for beauty become harsh and paranoid, leading to low self-esteem, loss of confidence, and even fear of socializing. These bad mental emotions can lead girls into unhealthy intimacy to gain self-identification.

可是,审美从来都是很私人和主观的东西。强迫别人去接受单一的美丑界定,剥夺多数审美中“丑”的人和事物出镜的权利,对别人的外表发表决断性的意见,这些都是审美霸凌的体现。These bullying and aesthetics will not only harm the development of the victim's personality but also affect the establishment of their gender relations. However , it is more common that many people are being bullied without knowing it , and even forced to change themselves to succumb to the aesthetic definition because of the evaluation from others.


But, is ugliness really ugly?

In the 1970‘s, the second wave of feminism came into being, and feminist scholars criticized and reflected on the stereotypes of women displayed in the mass media.女性电影理论家Laura Mulvey在其著作《视觉快感与叙事电影》中提出,在大多数受欢迎的好莱坞电影中,女性都是被凝视的客体,异性恋男性为主要观众,即凝视的主体。在父权制下,把女性作为客体的话语不断塑造,最终促使女性将自己安入主流审美以获得男性认同。

在东亚地区,所谓的丑女通常是这样的形象:长得胖、皮肤黑、眼睛小、痘痘多等等。但其实,所谓的丑女与其说是真的丑,不如说是因为不符合男性凝视中的性别框架。The image of a beautiful woman in a male gaze is very narrow. For example, beauty in Hollywood movies is usually a sexy woman with a slim figure. While in China, women who meet male expectations are mostly unable to escape the stereotypes of thinness, fair skin, and big eyes.

我们受男性凝视的影响之深,已经远超越了单纯的男性看女性,而是整个社会都从男性的角度去评判女性。According to a survey conducted, when other conditions such as academic qualifications and social experience are the same, obese women have fewer opportunities and lower salaries than women of average weight, and they are more likely to engage in babysitting and nursing care. For those who exceed the standard weight by 6 kilograms, they will earn $9000 less than other women each year. However, obese men and ordinary men are treated the same in both workplace and incomes.女性作为被凝视的客体,在父权社会的观念里,我们不止要有匹配的能力,更是需要有相应的颜值才能胜任某份工作。“这样的凝视,实际上象征着一种权力关系,这是一种隐形的暴力。”


Don’t think bullying is only for women. When changing the culture of ugly female bullying, we are also helping males develop a more diverse social image. Although the demand towards men is not as harsh as women’s, men who don’t conform to the framework of society, are easily troubled by their appearance and figure. Emma Watson explained this more deeply in her "he for she" speech at the United Nations:


We don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes, but I can see that they are and that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence. If men don’t have to be aggressive to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong…It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideals. If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are—we can all be freer and this is what is He For She is about. It is about freedom.




So how can we avoid such a sense of shame brought by body shame? The first thing we need to do is that we should accept ourselves as we are. If we refuse to accept our true appearance, just eager to embed ourselves into the standards of the mainstream aesthetic, we will only become a replica of someone else.我们有小肚腩,有大象腿,或许不那么白皙,或许不那么纤细,但是我们身体健康,我们充满活力,那么我们就不需要接受来自任何人的body shame,我们同样热爱生活,热爱自己。The second one may always be ignored: We should restrain ourselves from focusing too much on the appearance of others. It is possible that the comment you made undesignedly on other’s appearance will make others feel heartbroken.我们要想抵制body shame,既要接纳真实的自己,也要学会对别人宽容。虽然不可能真正地消除Body shame,但我们至少可以从自己做起,勇敢地去面对,温柔地去待人。keep it in mind that, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (未经你的同意,没人能够让你觉得自卑。)


狭隘的审美标准终将过时,接受多元化逐渐变得流行。不轻易去设限,正视自己的一切,因为美的标准从来都不是单一的。在多元化审美之下,我们相信,每一个个体都值得被爱与尊重。I am not perfect, for perfect is pale. I am perfect, for I am perfect for myself.

At the end of the program, I would like to share with you a paragraph written by one of my favorite authors Wang Xiaobo:我承认,男人和女人很不同。但这种差异并不意味着别的,既不意味着某个性别的人比另一种性别的人优越,也不意味着某种性别的人比另一种性别的人高明。一个女孩子来到这世间,应该像男孩一样,有权利寻求她所要的一切。假如她得到的正是她所要的,那就是最好的。



Vale of Tears—Jay Clifford

Loving Strangers—Jocelyn Pook , Russian Red

Ich Gehoer nur mir—Various Artists



Body Language



Mind Body Spirit



4. Body Parts



BODY DROP(Original Mix)



When No One Is Watching

