
2022-09-16 04:14:0814:53 161



The Fog Horn blew.

And the monster answered.

A cry came across a million years of water and mist. A cry so anguished and alone it shuddered in my head and my body. The monster cried out at the tower. The Fog Horn blew. The monster roared again. The Fog Horn blew. The monster opened its great toothed mouth and the sound that came from it was the sound of the Fog Horn itself. Lonely and vast and far away. The sound of isolation, a viewless sea, a cold night, apartness. That was the sound.




——《The Hog Horn》[美]唐·布拉德伯里



Hello everyone, welcome back to English Panorama, I’m your old friend Ryan.What a great pleasure to see you guys again.各位好啊,欢迎各位再次来到福说英语。今天的节目,我想与大家聊聊巨物恐惧症。


Imagine you’re looking out of the window of a high-speed train, suddenly, a few holes appear on the vast grassland, as if the horizon sunk at the very spot.Or, when you’re taking a plane, all of a sudden, the giant clouds outsides turn into human forms. 草原上突然出现的巨大空洞,云层幻化出千幅人脸。那一刻,一种无来由的恐惧袭上你的心头,使你颤栗于原地,动弹不得。The terror, inexplicable, dominating, immerse, makes you tremble and stunned at the site.This is megalophoia,巨物恐惧症。


把症结归因为某类特定的心理疾病总让人觉得太轻易. You always feel there is more to it. Millions of years ago, the first human came out of his cave and wandered into forsets, grasslands and valleys.When he looked around, the world is in silence and full of uncertainty. At that point, he started to revere nature.


我们敬畏自然,敬畏暗处的未知,敬畏那无尽深渊中潜藏的庞然大物。The reverence runs in our veins and genes. 为了照亮长夜,人类生起一团火,但在火光之外,仍是无边的荒芜与死寂,正如我们对于世界粗浅的认知。Is there something lurking in the dark? Gritting its teeth,growling harshly, its giant eyes wide open, overlooking tiny, tiny us.


他们是谁?是野兽?是游弋于自然法则之外的物种?还是我们完全无法想象的事物?The mystical giant creatures exist in the tales we tell. In Norse folklore, there are giants and Kraken. 巨人沉睡于风霜之中,巨妖出没于北海深处。而在远古的黄河之滨,“昔者共工与颛顼争为帝,怒而触不周之山,天柱折,地维绝。”And ancient Southern American culture has it that, when the Thunderbird, the wings of which are as long as the paddles of canoe, soars across the sky,thunder and storms will strike, thousands of lightnings will be released.雷雨轰鸣,自然的精灵张开双翼翱翔于电光火石之间。



我们与自然,似群鸟飞往远山,云层遮盖大地,遥遥看不真切,群山的阴影吞没了我们,我们栖息于其间,却不知其全貌。And when the sun goes out, the wind blows, the flocks go silent, frightened and shivering at the great shadows walking beneath.


As Lord Byron wrote:

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more”



大海是最大的雪花,飘落于这地球上,滚动蒸腾,孕育出生命与对其无尽的凝望。The highest Mount Everest still cannot fills the depths of Mariana Trench. Even the most advanced technology cannot uncover the secrets hidden under the deep dark salty seas.

或许是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔笔下的巨型白鲸,抑或许是洛夫克拉夫特笔下的远古旧神,洋面之下巨兽露出其骇人的瞳孔。"Call me Ishmael", says the sailor, who is out for vengeance with Moby-Dick with his captain, whose leg was taken by the giant white sperm whale.This is still a battle of comparable strength. The Great Old One Cthulhu, unholy, unspeakable,sleeps deep in the bottom of the South Pacific Ocean. And when the stars align, it would awake.古老的城池从海底升起,旧日支配者从睡梦中苏醒,坐回其固有的王座。人,沧海一粟,庸碌蚁群,如渔船形单影只漂浮于洋面上,冰冷的波涛翻滚,而暮色渐沉,渺远处传来鲸啸声声,心生胆寒。


As is written by Lovecraft:

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”
“We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.”




We thought, if we could conquer the nature, the terror and the frighten we have would strangely die away. Why should we fear the giants if we could build something bigger, become something bigger? 古有巴别塔,高可通天,因此亵渎神明,神降下诅咒,自此,人们怀疑猜忌、各执一词,而巴别塔轰然倒塌。And nowadays, we build statues, towers and lighthouses. Skyscrapers rise from the ground, the top of which so high that it could touch the sky. 立于楼顶,似是暂时凌驾于万物,野心无限膨胀,然而天空之高渺,仍不可探。至于杵于墙根阴影之下,更感大厦将倾,颤抖着伸手触碰,非理性的恐惧倾轧而下,残砖碎瓦啃噬掉我们的手指。



很久以前,巨兽也曾在这星球上游荡,而斗转星移,他们早已不见踪影。Yet, did they really disappear? Erased from the planet completely? Or, they are hiding. Hiding in places where our knowledge has never reached.他们只是潜伏,而从未真正离开。他们潜伏在探照灯和雷达的喧闹骚扰不到的地方,等待,等待……

恐惧、怀疑、敬畏、麻木……对自然,对巨兽,all in all, originates from the fear of the unknown. Fear is how we shield ourselves from unknowing and ignorance. 因无知而弱小,因弱小而恐惧,这世界太大,双脚无法丈量之处,双目无法企及之处,皆是险象环生。




A long sigh, it was the eternal loneliness from the wilderness.


The monster?

It never came back.

“It's gone away,” said McDunn. “It's gone back to the Deeps. It's learned you can't love anything too much in this world. It's gone into the deepest Deeps to wait another million years. Ah, the poor thing! Waiting out there, and waiting out there, while man comes and goes on this pitiful little planet. Waiting and waiting.”

I sat in my car, listening. I couldn't see the lighthouse or the light standing out in Lonesome Bay. I could only hear the Horn, the Horn, the Horn. It sounded like the monster calling.

I sat there wishing there was something I could say.








恐怖症 恐惧症









深海恐惧症 慎入!







