45 Liu Bei’s first official appointment - V 2

2024-05-14 12:42:3302:02 77

45 Liu Bei’s first official appointment - V2
 Zhu Jun returned to the capital after his expedition and was appointed as the General of Chariots and Cavalry and the Intendant of Henan. Zhu Jun submitted a memorial praising the achievements of Sun Jian, Liu Bei, and others. Through personal connections, Sun Jian was appointed as the Commandant of another commandery and took up his post. However, Xuan De had been waiting for a long time without being appointed, causing dissatisfaction among the three. One day, as they were strolling in the street, they coincidentally met Zhang Jun, a court official, passing by in a carriage. Xuan De took the opportunity to present his merits. Zhang Jun was greatly surprised and followed him to the court to see the Emperor, saying, "In the past, the Yellow Turbans rebelled, and the root cause was the Ten Eunuchs selling offices and titles, only using those they favored and not punishing those they disliked, leading to great chaos in the world. Now, it is appropriate to execute the Ten Eunuchs, display their heads at the southern suburbs, and send messengers to announce to the world. Those who have merit should be greatly rewarded, then the four seas will be at peace." The Ten Eunuchs reported to the Emperor, "Zhang Jun is deceiving the ruler." The Emperor ordered the guards to expel Zhang Jun. The Ten Eunuchs discussed among themselves, "This must be because someone suppressed the Yellow Turbans but did not receive an appointment, hence the complaints. For now, let the government register their names, and we will deal with it later." Therefore, Xuan De was appointed as the Assistant Magistrate of Anxi County in charge of public security in Zhongshan Prefecture, Hebei, and he set out for his new post within the specified deadline.


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心智突围 |Windy Liu

