46 Liu Bei falsely accused of corruption

2024-05-14 12:43:4002:12 55

46 Liu Bei falsely accused of corruption
Xuande disbanded his troops and allowed them to return to their hometowns. He then only brought along about twenty trusted followers and went to Anxi County with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. During his one month in office, he treated the people with kindness and won their hearts. Upon his arrival, he would eat and sleep with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Whenever they were in public, Xuande would sit while Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood by his side without showing any signs of fatigue.

Before four months had passed, an imperial decree was issued ordering the assessment of officials with military achievements. Xuande suspected that he was being targeted. The inspector sent by the governor to evaluate the county's performance arrived, and Xuande went out to greet him with respect. However, the inspector remained aloof and answered Xuande with a wave of his whip. This angered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. When they arrived at the inn, the inspector sat high on his horse while Xuande stood below. After a while, the inspector asked, "Assistant magistrate Liu, what is your background?" Xuande replied, "I am a descendant of the Prince of Zhongshan. I have fought in over thirty battles against the Yellow Turbans and have some minor achievements, which is why I have been appointed to my current position." The inspector shouted, "You falsely claim royal lineage and exaggerate your achievements! The imperial decree is meant to purge corrupt officials like you!" Xuande humbly retreated. When he returned to the county office, he discussed the situation with the local officials. They suggested that the inspector was just looking for bribes. Xuande said, "I have not exploited the people for personal gain, so how can I offer him any wealth?" The next day, the inspector interrogated the local officials first and forced them to accuse Xuande of harming the people. Despite Xuande's attempts to plead his innocence, he was blocked by the gatekeepers from entering the office to present his case.




Bei’s Coffee Corner



5 Minute English with Bei






心智突围 |Windy Liu

