

1-2 Christopher Marlowe(克利斯 朵夫·马洛)Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士》 Nicholas Krippendorf
3 Ben Jonson(本·琼森)Volpone《福尔蓬奈》 Darlene Lee
4-6 William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚)Romeo And Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 Nicholas Krippendorf、Darlene Lee
7-8 Twelfth Night《第十二夜》 Nicholas Krippendorf、Darlene Lee
9-10 As You Like It《皆大欢喜》 Nicholas Krippendorf、Darlene Lee
11 Hamlet《哈姆雷特》 Nicholas Krippendorf
12 Othello《奥赛罗》 Nicholas Krippendorf
13 Macbeth《麦克白》 Nicholas Krippendorf
14 Measure For Measure《一报还一报》 Darlene Lee
15 All’s Well That Ends Well《终成眷属》 Nicholas Krippendorf
16 A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》 Darlene Lee
17 Julius Caesar《裘力斯·凯撒》 Nicholas Krippendorf
18 King Henry The Fourth《亨利四世》 Darlene Lee
19 Henry The Fifth《亨利五世》 Nicholas Krippendorf
20 Richard The Second《理查二世》 Darlene Lee
21 Richard The Third《理查三世》 Nicholas Krippendorf
22 Henry The Eighth《亨利八世》 Darlene Lee
23-24 The Tempest《暴风雨》 Darlene Lee、Nicholas Krippendorf
25-26 William Congreve(威廉·康格里夫)The Way Of The World《如此世道》 Darlene Lee
27-29 Oscar Wilde(奥斯卡·王尔德)The Importance Of Being Earnest《认真的重要性》 Darlene Lee、
Nicholas Krippendorf
30-32 The Ideal Husband《理想丈夫》 Nicholas Krippendorf、Darlene Lee
