End of Beginning


Seeit through

theend of begin

getup to fight like there’s nothing to lose


whatif fate

hasbeen since playing us

sowaging wars for nothing in name of the god


thisis the blind lead the bond to wrong decision now

Idon't want your damn fucking reason every given like *** (bleugh)

speakno more we're all sick of fighting system in fear

confrontthe federation for the sake of broken homes

believein nothing borne to set lose of the notion

wesuffer in something that we won't forget

soburn burn burn take back you own

youwill be murder of the people and just nothing like us

letit all burn burn burn everything you have said

thisis the debt for every single has to pay like you said

ican't see the light where i fell just withered

wewill be crush by regulation

ourrighteous our righteous you said ?

nomore mistake

justcan't find the truth but I won't just withered

thisis the time somebody has to go

weare in race, inside us

Prescribesystem are the disease

we'regonna die in chain

we'regonna die in vain

they'retide to everything

everysingle bit

thisis not the only runaway

thisis not the only way

mybreath are drown where the ocean lies

ican't see through when the river dies

myknees are crushed every step I take

throughevery step I made

Ican see the world as it rot to floor

theriver that was dried

myknees I am crushed every step I take

allmy breath are died in vain
