


诙谐有趣,灵光闪闪,脑洞大开,光怪陆离,诡谲多变,想象力丰富,各种诡异奇怪的事情,读者们经常被里面的角色的脑回路和谐音梗逗到开怀大笑。Lewis Carroll可真是个老机灵鬼!

这本小说处处是隐喻,远不是一本童话这么简单。多一点对这本书的回味与解读:正如爱丽丝问自己的问题:But if I'm not the same,the next question is ,who in the world am I ?

Few journeys are as strange or as exciting as Alice's trip down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. Alice, a bored little girl, unexpectedly encounters a terrified - and talking - white rabbit while playing outside. Her curiosity aroused, she decides to follow him. Falling an impossibly long way down a rabbit hole, Alice finds herself in Wonderland. An anarchic tea party that never ends, an enigmatic cat that disappears except for its smile, living playing cards and croquet mallets are just some of the strange things she encounters. Nothing makes sense - but in Wonderland, it's not supposed to. One of the most famous fantasy stories ever written, Alice in Wonderland is set apart by Lewis Carroll's delightfully twisted logic and inimitable way with words. It's a joy to read for adults and children alike.

