有声书 | 《十问:霍金沉思录》



在本书中,霍金提出了如下的十个大的问题(the Big Questions):

1、上帝存在吗?Is there a God?

2、一切如何开始?How did it all begin?

3、宇宙中存在其他智慧生命吗?Is there other intelligent life in the universe?

4、我们能预测未来吗?Can we predict the future?

5、黑洞中是什么?What is inside a black hole?

6、时间旅行可能吗?Is time travel possible?

7、我们能在地球上存活吗? Will we survice on earth?

8、我们应去太空殖民吗?Should we colonize space?

9、人工智能会不会超过我们?Will artifical intelligence outsmart us?

10、我们如何塑造未来?How do we shape the future?


Memo:This collection is recorded in March,2019 which Hawking passed away.And this time is re-upload action.I wish you'd like it as me for remembering the great scientist.