The Cherry Tree Farm



Enid Blyton's timeless collection of farm stories, perfect for holidays or rainy days, and an ideal gift for anyone who loved the stories during their own childhood to pass on to the next generation of readers.

Benjy, Penny, Rory and Sheila are spending the holidays with their aunt and uncle at Cherry Tree Farm. They play with the animals and learn to feed them, roam the countryside and hunt for the mysterious Tammylan, who lives deep in the woods. Everywhere is teeming with adventure and the children are bound to get into mischief!



简介:安妮,英语老师,家有三枚原版娃: 老大,985大学,《哈利波特》真爱粉; 老二、老三同时英语启蒙,自主阅读高章,目前在家精读英文《万物简史》(科普高阶,2万词汇)。 每个孩子都可以通过家庭英语启蒙,告别聋哑英语,轻松实现全英文阅读。 接地气: 深耕十年、实践总结的英语启蒙进阶的方法和路线图,简单、可行、高效。 英语小白妈妈一样可以带出英文原版娃。