

书名:Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition

Written by Grant Hardy

Western philosophy is a vast intellectual tradition, the product of thousands of years of revolutionary thought built up by a rich collection of brilliant minds. When most of us study philosophy, we’re focusing only on the Western intellectual tradition brought about by people such as Aristotle, Descartes, and Nietzsche. But to understand the Western intellectual tradition is to only get half of the story.

Just as important, and just as valid a contribution to philosophy, is the Eastern intellectual tradition. Eastern philosophy is also the product of thousands of years of thought and was also built up by a distinct group of brilliant thinkers. Among these are

the Buddha,
Gandhi, and

Their ideas demonstrate fascinating, wholly different ways of approaching, understanding, and solving the same fundamental questions that concerned the West’s greatest thinkers, such as

the existence of God,
the meaning of life,
the nature of truth and reality,
the organization of government and society,
the significance of suffering, and
the roots of a well-lived life.

To explore Eastern perspectives on these issues is to embark on an illuminating journey into the heart of grand, but often unfamiliar, civilizations. It’s also a thought-provoking way to understand the surprising connections and differences between East and West, and to strengthen your knowledge of cultures that play increasingly important roles in our globalized 21st-century world.

Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition is an epic, comprehensive survey of the East’s most influential philosophers and thinkers. In 36 lectures, award-winning Professor Grant Hardy of the University of North Carolina at Asheville introduces you to the men and women responsible for molding Asian philosophy and for giving birth to a wide variety of spiritual and ideological systems, including Hinduism, Daoism, Confucianism, Sufism, and Buddhism. By focusing on these key thinkers in their historical contexts, you’ll witness the development of these rich traditions as they shaped and defined Eastern cultures through the rise and fall of empires, the friendly and hostile encounters with each other and with the Western world, and the rapid advancements of the modern age.



简介:安妮,英语老师,家有三枚原版娃: 老大,985大学,《哈利波特》真爱粉; 老二、老三同时英语启蒙,自主阅读高章,目前在家精读英文《万物简史》(科普高阶,2万词汇)。 每个孩子都可以通过家庭英语启蒙,告别聋哑英语,轻松实现全英文阅读。 接地气: 深耕十年、实践总结的英语启蒙进阶的方法和路线图,简单、可行、高效。 英语小白妈妈一样可以带出英文原版娃。