《神龙诀》The Dragon's Secret


英文名:The Dragon's Secret

作者: Augusta Huiell Seaman

内容介绍:Sixteen year old Leslie Crane has come to the New Jersey shore as a companion to ailing Aunt Marcia, whose doctor has sent her there for a some quiet rest and recuperation. While the beach is lovely in October, Leslie quickly finds herself getting lonely with no one her own age to talk to. Little does she realize that she will not only soon make a new friend, but that they will both end up in the midst of a puzzling mystery centered around the closed up bungalow next door.

Augusta Huiell Seaman is the author of over 40 historical fiction and mystery novels for older children most of which are currently out of print. The Dragon’s Secret was originally published in 1921.

16岁的Leslie Crane来到新泽西州的海岸,陪伴生病的Marcia姨妈,医生让她去那里静静地休养。虽然十月的海滩很美,但Leslie很快就发现自己变得很孤独,没有同龄人可以说话。她没有意识到,她不仅很快会交到一个新朋友,而且他们都会被卷入一个围绕着隔壁封闭式平房的神秘事件中。
