Legal Stories Collection


There are about 1.8 billion teens and children in the world, accounting for about 24% of the world’s population. Do you know that every year and every day, many teenagers and children suffer from physical or mental injuries and difficulties? According to United Nations’ statistics:

About 150 million students between the ages of 13 and 15 have been bullied, accounting for about 50% of the population in this age group. In addition, around the world, for every 7 minutes, a teenager is murdered due to violence.

Have you been bullied or harmed by others? Have your other precious possessions been snatched by others? If you encounter these difficulties, who would you turn to for help?

Having a general understanding of basic legal principles is very beneficial. Not only will laws teach us how to respect others, but we can also learn how to better protect ourselves.

Legal Stories Collection discusses legal issues related to the daily life of teenagers. Each episode has a story and a theme that is closely related to teenagers' daily lives. Through discussing legal principles, Legal Stories Collection aims to inspire further interest and discussion for the law amongst teenagers.



简介:Hello! I am a teenager who currently attends high school. At 11 years old, I started conducting legal research on child protection. I wrote a book titled “Growing Pains in Law”, endeavoring to bring attention to the rights of minors. I hope to help teens develop a sense of what their rights are!