
3、谁动了我的奶酪中的四个角色,遇到事情以后,每个角色都有自己不一样的处理方法,其实老鼠和小矮人代表我们自身的不同方面,简单的一面和复杂的一面。当事物发生变化时,或许简单行事会给我们带来许多的便利和益处。 Main content: four characters living in the labyrinth, they try their best to find the "cheese" that can make them happy.

1. Who moved my cheese is a simple fable, in which the protagonists are two dwarfs and two mice, both looking for their favorite cheese, from the simple story, according to something happened, the two different reactions and practices are compared, and the true meaning of life is obtained.

2. Who moved my cheese expresses that we want to change with the change of cheese. In the face of the change of problems, we need to clearly realize that what can trap us is definitely not the labyrinth in which we are in, but the labyrinth in our hearts. I am trapped in my heart, hesitant and unable to take steps.

3. Who moves the four characters in my cheese? after something happens, each character has its own different way of dealing with it. In fact, mice and dwarfs represent different aspects of ourselves, the simple side and the complex side. When things change, maybe simple things will bring us a lot of convenience and benefits.