Secret in the Maple Tree

Secret in the Maple Tree is a delightful story based mainly upon the childhood experiences of Mrs. Ebertina Erickson Nordtvedt, the author's mother in law. The author chose the fictitious name, Hilda to relate the story based upon Mrs. Nordtvedt’s memoirs.
Hilda’s parents were immigrants from Norway who came to the United States in the late 1800s. Norwegian immigration to the United States began in the 1820s was the arrival of the ship,the Restoration. The Restoration is often compared to the Mayflower because the Norwegian pilgrims were dedicated Christians who put God first and who wanted a better life for their families.After arriving in New York, most Norwegian immigrants settled in the North. They followed the waterways to the Middle west, to the Great Plains and to the land beyond. Hilda’s Papa settled his family in Minnesota on a small farm. Hilda loved her life on the Minnesota farm, but she had to learn to accept necessary change and to trust God in all things. Her closeness to God throughgh prayer was the guiding strength of her life.The truly Christian family in Secret in the Maple Tree, edifies the reader. Boys and girls enjoy the store’s old-fashioned flavor tempered with modern appeal. All feel as if Hilda is a special friend and are eager to read more about her.