Hey, Jack!嘿,杰克!【合辑】


Jack是作者Sally Rippin笔下一个可爱的小男孩,他比住在他隔壁的好朋友Billie更文静些,虽然他比较内向,但他勇敢,有爱心,会大胆尝试自己喜爱的事物。 他还能拼出让人惊叹的乐高城堡和厚纸板机械人,更在学校音乐剧中独唱。


Kindness is everywhere in the Hey Jack! series. From spending time with his best friend Billie or learning to be a good older cousin, to finding out what bravery really is, Jack helps readers navigate their emotions with a focus on positivity. Young Jack goes on fun adventures that readers can relate to, and learns lessons about compassion, kindness, and being considerate.
