国外儿童畅销书 | 十二个跳舞的公主(英文改编版)


鲁思 •桑德森重述了这个格林兄弟的经典童话故事,并用捕捉皇室背景的全彩油画进行了华丽的配图,让这本书值得珍藏。

Long ago, inthe days of princesses,castles,and magic spells,there lived a king and his twelve
daughters. Although the king locked the twelve
princesses in their bedroom each night, every morning their twelve pairs of dancing shoes were found to be worn quite through, as if they had been danced in all night long! The king proclaimed that anyone who discovered the secret of the worn-out shoes could marry the princess of his choice. Here is the enchanting story of how the mystery was finally solved…

Ruth Sanderson has retold this classic fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm and lavishly illustrated it with full-color oil painting that capture the royal setting and make this a book to treasure.