Law, disrupted | 前沿法律访谈节目


Law, disrupted是一档专注于全球重大诉讼案件及前沿法律问题的访谈类播客节目。播客主持人是美国传奇诉讼律师张鲲展(John B. Quinn,人称JBQ),他是全球最大专注于商事诉讼和仲裁的律所美国昆鹰律师事务所(Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP)的创始人兼管理合伙人。在该播客中,JBQ通过对谈来自世界各地天花板级别的诉讼律师和行业专家,揭秘全球各大商战背后的神仙过招,探讨各行各业如何通过诉讼进行商业布局,并以此来描绘前沿问题的边界。在这里,你将听到全世界最出色的出庭律师如何跳出思维定势、出奇制胜地编织和演绎精彩的法律剧本,并运用精巧的技艺和天马行空的想象力去解决那些千奇百怪的法律难题,也能听到亲历历史重大案件的当事人或律师讲述他们的故事,还有各行业顶尖专家对前沿问题的展望。

Law, disrupted dives into the most pressing legal issues of our time with top experts in the field. The podcast tackles the legal quandaries surrounding cutting-edge subjects, such as SPACs, generative AI, litigation finance, ransomware, climate change, and beyond. Your host is John B. Quinn, founder and chairman of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, a 1100+ attorney business litigation firm with 35 offices around the globe, each devoted solely to business litigation.

John is regarded as one of the top trial lawyers in the world. With his partners, he has built an institution that has consistently been listed among the “Most Feared” litigation firms in the world (BTI Consulting Group) and was called a “global litigation powerhouse” by The Wall Street Journal. In his podcast, John joins industry professionals to examine and debate legal issues concerning the newest technologies, innovations, and current events—and ask what’s next?
