Fallacy Detective


Dive into "Fallacy Detective," your podcast for mastering reasoning. Whether a debater, a learner, or a casual converser, here you'll hone skills to identify and deconstruct logical fallacies in daily discourse. I'm Joey, guiding you towards clearer thinking.

Amidst our information-rich world, discerning valid arguments from misleading rhetoric is crucial. "Fallacy Detective" episodes dissect fallacies – those reasoning errors that deceive and manipulate. We equip you to spot and counter them, training your mind in the art of argument.

"Fallacy Detective" celebrates solid reasoning, teaching you to build strong, scrutinizable arguments. We mix theory with practical examples, fostering skills for more impactful dialogue. Delve into the psychology of fallacies, with expert insights on resisting manipulation.

Perfect for debaters, critical thinkers, or anyone seeking meaningful conversations, "Fallacy Detective" is entertaining and educational. Explore individual fallacies, apply logic with interactive challenges, and join a community learning to argue better.

Subscribe to "Fallacy Detective" for a transformative experience, enhancing your engagement with the world through sound reasoning. Embrace this quest for logic and hit subscribe, ready to illuminate the path with reason's light.

Join "Fallacy Detective" and journey through argumentation, where the brightest stars discern fact from fallacy.

Stay sharp; we'll begin our quest in Episode 1!
