Andrew Lost Books


安德鲁不见了 Andrew Lost 探索微观的科学世界

Andrew最近的一次发明实验糟透了,不小心把自己和好朋友Judy一起缩小到只能用显微镜才能看到的大小了,而且他们正好落在了邻居的一只狗狗身上,糟糕的是,现在狗狗身上的跳蚤对Andrew 和Judy 来说都是巨大无比的,为了情况不会变得更糟,他们必须在无法挽救之前赶快想办法回到实验室并把自己变回正常的大小,然而在这过程中发生了非常有趣冒险故事,两个小家伙也在这次冒险过程中学习了解到非常多的科学知识哦,让我们一起跟随Andrew 和 Judy一起探险吧。

Kids  >  Ages 8-10
Andrew Lost: Books 1-4
Written by: J.C. Greenburg
Narrated by: Robb Sapp
Length: 2 hrs and 58 mins 
Series: Andrew Lost, Book 1-4

When Andrew's latest invention, the Atom Sucker, goes haywire, Andrew and Judy are shrunk down to microscopic level! They find themselves lost on their neighbor's dog, where they encounter everything from colossal fleas to crab-like eyelash mites. Now they have to find their way back to the Atom Sucker and get unshrunk before it's too late!
