Aesop's Fables


Hello!  I’m Henry Guo。Today, I’mgoing to share a story with you from Aesop’s Fables.

今天我和大家一起分享一个伊索寓言的一个故事. 伊索寓言据说是一个很会讲故事的希腊人伊索 Aesop 写的,以后被后人整理的。

我们小时候都喜欢寓言故事,因为寓言言浅意深。如龟兔赛跑:The Tortoiseand the Hare” 虽然乌龟跑得慢,可它坚持不懈,终于取胜。

今天的伊索寓言故事是:”The Wolfand the Crane”


A wolf once got a bone stuck in his throat: so he went to aCrane and begged her to put her long bill down his throat and pull it out. 

“I’ll make it worth your while,” he added.  The Crane did as she was asked and got thebone out quite easily.  The Wolf thankedher warmly and was just turning away, when she cried, “What about that fee ofmine?”

“Well, what about it?” snapped the wolf, barring his teeth ashe spoke. “You can go about boasting that you once put your head into a Wolf’smouth and didn’t get it bitten off.  Whatmore do you want?”

A wolf oncegot a bone stuck in his throat:    一天,一只狼的喉咙被一块骨头卡住了,

So he went to a Crane and begged her to put her long billdown his throat and pull it out.


“I’ll makeit worth your while,”  he added.  

狼接着补充说:“这件事值得你做。” 言外之意:我会补偿你的。

The Crane did as she was asked and got the bone out quiteeasily.  鹤按照狼说的,将自己长长的嘴巴伸入狼的咽喉,很容易地将那块骨头夹了出来。

The Wolf thanked her warmly and was just turning away, whenshe cried, “What about that fee of mine?”  


“Well, whatabout it?” snapped the wolf, barring his teeth as he spoke.   ”你在说什么?!“狼怒气冲冲地说。狼说话时还咬紧牙齿– 生怕再有骨头飞进它的嘴里。

“You can go about boasting that you once put your head into aWolf’s mouth and didn’t get it bitten off. What more do you want?”  


这个寓言的哲理是:为邪恶的人效劳,不要期待奖赏,能不被伤害就足以万幸了  Serving the wicked, expect no reward,

and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.



简介:Henry Guo 家住美国东部宾西法尼亚州匹兹堡市。曾在中国任8年英语外教。现做在线雅思/托福辅导及录制英语教学课程。将自己近40年的英语知识传授给勤奋可爱的中国孩子是他最大的愿望!