
2022-09-12 11:21

2022-09-12 13:15
lost in everyday and living in the same life everyday,maybe I have no idea how to stop me from the still life.at the same time I tell myself how strong I am,sometimes my tears will can't help flowing,she is a nice girl,but we came across in the Internet,I dare not dream of getting love,just leave it to tomorrow to taste slowly……
Absently live everyday's life
meet the same things that come across my world
Maybe I just have no sense to
How to get rid of that kind of life
sometimes, I would also like to tell myself
how breave I am_
However, tears still run out off me eyes occasionally.
She is a pretty girl,though we met on the net
I couldn't imagine if I could wait for the true love
Just taste for yourself...
I feel mixed-up and live the same life everyday.I don't know how to chang it.I want to tell myself ,I am strong,but I will be cry when I am alone.She is a good girl,however,we meet on internet.I can't imagine what love I can get,just taste it slowly