睡前英语小故事:牛和狗The Ox and the Dog

2023-10-25 23:05

An ox and a dog serve for the same farmer.

  One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…”

  “Me? How about me ?” the ox says

  “雹散谨You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says.

  “Yes. It’s true,” the ox says. “But if I don’t plough, what do you guard?”

 掘型 故事22 牛和狗


  一天, 狗骄傲地说着;‘我是多么重要啊!白天我在牧场看护家群,晚上我看家。而你呢…..?”

  “我?我怎么啦?“ 牛反问。


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