句子改错i can borrow you my story book

2024-03-06 04:37

I can lend you my story book.
It is useful book. I borrow...
1个回答2024-02-29 06:50
【答案】D 【答案解析】试题分析:冠词是一种虚词,一般用于名词前面表示特指或者泛指某一个。冠词的应用都用一定规则,熟记这些规则是解题的关键。不定冠词用在名词前,表示泛指任何一个。定冠词用在名词前表示特...
you can mom the book
1个回答2024-02-27 03:41
you can mom the book 你妈妈的书
What can you story
1个回答2024-03-09 19:53
可以改成: What story can you tell? 你会讲什么故事? 勤学好问,天天进步! 赞赞赞!
Can you give that book _______ me?
1个回答2024-02-18 21:03
C give sth to sb “把某物递给某人”
Can I help?和Can I help you 有什么区别?!
2个回答2023-10-01 06:40
我觉耐羡尘得Can I help?是我昌禅能帮你们吗? Can I help you 的意思是我可派告以帮助你么?
can i help you是什么意思?
1个回答2023-09-30 15:35
Can I help you?意思枣郑睁是:我能帮你吗 ? 用法:凳岁 这是在别人有困难时说的一句话,意思是“需要我的帮助吗?”这句话多使用在酒店的服务人员,意思是问顾客:“需要帮忙吗?” 短...
Remember my name and the story I brought to you
2个回答2023-10-14 23:41
Remember my name and the story I brought to you 翻译:记住我的...