in can LiuTao talk Englis

2024-03-06 17:06

连词成句... 连词成句 展开
Liu Tao can talk ing English .

The baby can talk.
1个回答2024-02-10 20:39
D 解析: 判断句子类型,首先要确定句子谓语动词,谓语不同,构成的句子结构也不相同。本句话谓语动词为can talk,谓语之前的部分,为主语,即The baby。谓语部分核心动词talk是不及物...
You can talk the...
1个回答2024-03-17 16:18
In Shanghai one can......
1个回答2024-04-06 01:48
sparing 的意思是节俭的, 保守的 spared 的意思是多余的, 剩下的, 高而瘦的人的, 少量的, 贫乏的, 备用的 显然就语义上下文来说,应该是A。
talk in on the phone
1个回答2024-03-13 17:10
talk on the phone在电话里说 还可以表达为talk over the phone talk by phone 分数给我吧~~
can you tell me a 为什么不能用say,talk和speak
1个回答2023-01-06 04:20
你可以给我讲个故事吗 讲故事只能用tell a story speak 是强调说某种语言 say 强调说话的内容 talk是谈论,谈话
We can buy a story book in the——
1个回答2024-02-14 04:32
你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . We can buy a story book in the bookshop.—
Can you read the _________(follow) story in English?
1个回答2024-02-28 11:29
following 动词变形容词……
The birds can freely fly in the shy.
1个回答2024-03-04 07:44
sky, 鸟儿可以在空中自由飞翔
翻译,来自瓦尔登湖原文。 talk of a divinity in man
1个回答2024-03-17 14:21
Children who often picture a story in the mind can remember ...
1个回答2024-03-05 19:15
正确答案:A 解析:对比分析题目和原文,可以看出二者用词和结构虽略有不同,但内容一致,所以答案为Y。