
2022-08-22 18:57

Name: early ミ sound ク (with ね み つ く) (hatsune miku) age: 16 height: 158cm weight: 42kg at QuZhong: pop songs at 70 ~ 150BPM (rhythm: setting for 80 ~ 150). A3: at the range of E5 ~ (Settings for the C3 - the highest E4. Practical software is the lowest limit and limit the G8 and C - 2, high or low after a certain pitch after the output effect will become not ideal, even small voice.
Name: Miku Hatsune
Age: 16 (sixteen)
Height: 158 cm (one hundred and fifty-eight centimeters)
Weight: 42 kg (forty-two kilogram)
Most Skilful type of Music: Pop
Most Skilful rhythm: 70-150 BPM (originally characterised as 80-150)
Skilful tone: A3-E5 (originally characterised as C3-E4)

The actual softwares's highest and lowest limit is G8 and C-2, respectively. If the tone is lower or highter than the limit, the result would not be as effective as before when exported. As a result the sound might be smaller and softer.
Name: Hatsune ミ ク (は つ ne み く) (hatsune miku) Age: 16 years old Height: 158cm Weight: 42kg good at music genres: pop good rhythm: 70 ~ 150BPM (the original set of 80 150.) Specializes in the range: A3 ~ E5 (originally set to C3 ~ E4. the actual software, the maximum limit and minimum limits are the G8 and the C-2, higher than or less than the output of a certain outcome will be after the pitch became unsatisfactory, and even sound smaller.)
1个回答2024-03-15 04:55
《明碰忙忙忙》是王羽泽演唱的歌曲,由王羽泽作词枯顷、作曲。收录在专辑《老婆的歌》中。 中文名 忙忙忙 所属专辑 老婆的歌 填词 王羽泽 谱曲没槐陆 王羽泽
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