
2022-08-26 06:56

1. I do not like the young strolling on the street.
2. We should not shirk the responsibility to others.
3.Since he had already apologized for this matter, we should forgive him_
4.For the foreign relations, we follows the principle that every country, despite of its size, is equal.
5. He stared at this picture for long ,reviewing the past years.
1. I really don't like the young man in the street.
2 we should not take responsibility onto others.
3 since he has apologized for, we should forgive him_
4 in the external relations, we should follow the country, regardless of the size of the principle of equality.
5 he long staring at this photo, review the past years.
1. I really do not like the young man wandering on the road.
2. We should not pass the buck to other people.
3. Since he has already apologized for that matter, and we should forgive him_
4. In foreign relations, we follow the country regardless of their size should be the principle of equality.
5. He was a long time gazing at this photo, reviewed the past years.
1. I really dislike the young people stroll on the road.

2. we should not pass the buck to others.

3.Since he has apologized for this matter, we should forgive him_

4. In foreign relations,we follow the principle all countries are equal whether big or small.

5. He gazed at this photo, looking back the past time.
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1个回答2023-05-25 09:02
1个回答2024-02-01 21:55
1个回答2022-09-18 19:36
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1个回答2023-06-17 06:00
1个回答2023-07-05 17:20
第一步:抓出一张,然后吞到腹中。 第二步:看剩下的那一张。
2个回答2022-12-06 09:10
申方妍(开心愉快,妍是美丽) .
1个回答2023-02-12 01:51
[房、景、灿]几个字 艺术签名原创写法示范。 如图所示: