找一首英文歌 女歌手唱的 中间有一段带哭腔的独白是什么歌?

2022-11-23 21:40

I've Never Been To Me,你看是吗
Negative Things - Mr Selwyn
Listen baby
I wonder why sometimes we fall apart oh yeah

Together we are so wonderfull yeah baby

And every single day i pray,

that really things shouldn't never be this way

Im only trynna be a better man

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?
Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you say to me
As i lie at night im imagining things,
how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

All the time everybody say that you and me are over

But i know were meant to be together for eternity

Was it untrue what we promised eachother?
Baby my heart keeps telling me

That it shouldn't be this way forever
Im only trynna be a better man

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?

Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me,
all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things,

how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

Girl remember when, we made our promices?
That we would be together through-out every single thing
Now im only trynna be a better man,
but you've never noticed that
Girl i truely love, to be around you
And baby I'll give you anything you want me to

Cos i know this might be hard for you,
And i know that we will be

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?

Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things,
how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?

Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you
know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?
Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be

Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you
know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?
1个回答2024-01-25 09:20
等我老了,就去找你 没有花前月下的耳鬓私语 却有柔肠百转的离愁别绪 却有燕去春尽的失落叹息 可在见到你的时候 我什么也不会说 只是,静静地 静静地看着你...
1个回答2023-07-01 23:30
1个回答2024-01-27 09:39
哽哽咽咽 gěng gěng yè yè 【解释】不能痛快的出声哭。 【出处】明·施耐庵《水浒传》第三回:“三个酒至数杯,正说些闲话,较量些枪法,说得入港,只听得隔壁阁子里有人哽哽咽咽啼哭。”...
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1个回答2024-02-09 12:07
哭腔是一种腔调、声音,也是一种声乐的唱法,哭腔唱法。1、戏曲演唱中表示哭泣的行腔。2、(~儿)说话时带哭泣的声音。 歌唱技巧哭腔。哭腔是通俗歌曲演唱中最流行的技巧之一。哭腔是再喉间和用猛...
1个回答2024-02-27 10:13