英文歌 现在我无法停止 我不能停止

2023-08-30 19:00

we can't stop
《love story》
Kiss You Inside Out - Hedley
I don't know if you're ready to go
Where I'm willing to take you girl
I will feel every inch of your skin
And you know I can rock your world
I'ma be the calm in the storm you're looking for
I'll be the shipwreck that takes you down
I don't mind if you lie in my bed
We can stay here forever now
Ohh Turn off the lights
Take off your clothes
Turn on the stereo
Oooh Give up the fight
I'm in control
Why don't you let it go
Yeah I wannna know you inside out
I'll spend my life tryin'ta figure out
Just close your eyes and shut your mouth
And let me kiss you inside out
I don't care if you steal all my air
We can breath together as one
It's allright if you're here everynight
Waking up with you in the sun
We start an hour then we find we waste the day
kicking back with the love we've found
I don't mind if you lie in my bed
We can stay here forever now
Ohh Turn off the lights
Take off your clothes
Turn on the stereo
Oooh Give up the fight
I'm in control
Why don't you let it go
Yeah I wannna know you inside out
I'll spend my life tryin'ta figure out
Just close your eyes and shut your mouth
And let me kiss you inside out
Let me love you let me love you let me love you babe
Let me love you let me love you let me love you babe
Let me love you let me love you let me love you babe
Let me love you let me love you let me love you babe
I don't mind if you lie in my bed
We can stay here forever now
Ohh Turn off the lights
Take off your clothes
Turn on the stereo
Oooh Give up the fight
I'm in control
Why don't you let it go
Yeah I wannna know you inside out
I'll spend my life tryin'ta figure out
Just close your eyes and shut your mouth
And let me kiss you inside out
I wannna know you inside out
I'll spend my life tryin'ta figure out
Just close your eyes and shut your mouth
And let me kiss you inside out
是darin的can't stop
1个回答2024-02-12 21:38
1个回答2024-02-12 22:10
太像黑暗骑士了, 不过小丑不是这样子的。 应该是关于蝙蝠侠的。 这可能不是电影。
1个回答2024-02-14 05:12
呵呵。很浪漫的想法。 其实,如果从客观上来讲,时间可以停止,只需要你以光速逆时针运行,即可将时间静止。当然了,这是很不浪漫的说法,你可以参照爱因斯坦的狭义相对论。 如果从浪漫角度来讲嘛,时间不会停止,...
1个回答2024-02-18 14:28
太像黑暗骑士了, 不过小丑不是这样子的。 应该是关于蝙蝠侠的。 这可能不是电影。
1个回答2024-02-22 04:36
时间是以电子运动速度的快慢作为衡量标准,当物质接近光速的时候,电子运动速度几乎不动,所以时间近乎停止。 根据爱因斯坦的相对论,只要速度达到了光速,时间就会停止,超过了光速,时间就会倒流。这是爱因斯...
1个回答2024-02-22 17:06
形容时间停止的词语 : 长年累月、 古往今来、 古今中外、 度日如年、 千秋万代、 日积月累、 日月如梭、 沧海桑田、 持之以恒、 稍纵即逝
1个回答2024-02-01 22:10
1个回答2024-03-02 19:53
您的情况也不排除内分泌失调的原因,建议先做性激素六项检查,性激素六项的临床意义是通过测定性激素水平来了解女性内分泌功能和诊 断与内分泌失调相关的疾病.常用的性激素六项即卵泡生成激素(FSH)、黄体生成...
1个回答2024-03-03 11:42
永不停止 无法停止
1个回答2022-12-12 01:28