求首英文歌名 中间好像是什么来个波

2023-09-02 01:30

Woods - Bon Iver
I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'激亩段m down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)
I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)
I'm building a still (I'm building a still)
to slow down the time (to slow down the time)
I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)
to slow down the time (to slow down the time)
I'm up in the woods (耐埋I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)

to slow down the time (to slow down the time)
I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)
I'm building a still (I'm building a still)

to slow down the time (to slow down the time)

I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)

to slow down the time (to slow down the time)

I'm up in the woods (明誉I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)
to slow down the time.
1个回答2024-03-17 04:19
波波波波波波波 就记住这一句 DJ是什么歌啊
4个回答2023-10-27 02:57
波仔-2007劲爆全中文dj 或者你搜波仔找2007的dj,,就是这个歌了
为什么~女人的波波那么大 男人的波波就那么小
3个回答2022-06-08 06:42
换个问法 你就豁然开朗了为什么施瓦性格的波波那么大 李宇春的波波那么小
1个回答2023-11-04 15:54
波比波比波比啵 歌曲名是什么
1个回答2024-03-06 18:11
韩国组合T-ara的Bo Peep Bo Peep
2个回答2022-07-08 06:25
皮波是英扎吉 波波是维挨里
1个回答2023-09-26 09:50
此“波波来森波”者,盖Oh oh,rise and fall也拿侍世消肢,歌名曰Rise and fall,望能助楼主谈渣
4个回答2023-02-13 01:35
1个回答2023-02-17 14:05