
2023-09-06 18:35

I think you wanna' come over yeah
I heard it through the grapevine
Are you drunk or you sober Think about it doesn't matter
and if it makes you feel good then I say do it
I don't know what you're waiting for
Feel my temperature rising
There's too much heat I'm gonna' lose control
Do you want to go higher get closer to the fire
I don't know what you're waiting for
Come join the party yeah
Coz' anybody just won't do
Let's get this started yeah
Coz' everybody wants to party with you
Boy you got a reputation but you're gonna' have to prove it
I see a little hesitation
Am I gonna' have to show you that if it feels right get on your marks
Step to the beat boy that's what it's for
Put your arms around me
When it gets too hot we can go outside
But for now just come here let me whisper in your ear
An invitation to the dance tonight
Come join the party it's a celebration
Anybody just won't do
Let's get this started no more hesitation
Coz' everybody wants to party with you
Haven't I seen you somewhere before
You look familiar
You wanna' dance Yeah
I guess I just don't recognize you with your cloths on (laughs)
What are you waiting for
Come join the party it's a celebration
Anybody just won't do
Let's get this started no more hesitation
Coz' everybody wants to party with you
Boy you've got it it's a celebration
Coz' anybody just won't do
Let's get it started no more hesitation
Coz' everybody wants to party with you
Boy you've got it it's a celebration
Coz' anybody just won't do
Let's get it started no more hesitation
Coz' everybody wants to party with you
Boy you've got it

Coz' anybody just won't do
Let's get it started no more hesitation
Coz' everybody wants to party with you
1个回答2022-09-28 14:01
《千年之恋》 专辑:《无限》 发行年月:2005年4月8日 MV出自:《光荣之役》 发行年月:2005年6月30日
1个回答2024-02-18 15:22
沙漠是人类最顽强的自然敌人之一。有史以来,人类就同沙漠不断地斗争。但是从古代的传说和史书的记载看来,过去人类没有能征服沙漠,若干住人的地区反而为沙漠所并吞。 地中海沿岸被称为西方文明的摇篮。古...
1个回答2024-02-14 09:35
沙漠是人类最顽强的自然敌人之一。有史以来,人类就同沙漠不断地斗争。但是从古代的传说和史书的记载看来,过去人类没有能征服沙漠,若干住人的地区反而为沙漠所 。 地中海沿岸被称为 的摇篮。 、 和希腊的...
2个回答2023-10-24 11:12
我只知道一首~~ 是BoA的“Key Of Heart”吗??
2个回答2023-09-05 10:51
2个回答2022-12-23 10:51
1个回答2024-01-08 05:46
沙漠之光拍摄地是宁夏中卫。 《我们这十年之沙漠之光》虽然讲述的是一个跨国故事,但因为疫情等各方面原因,只能在国内取景。如何在国内拍出具有异域风情和阿拉伯韵味的故事,是剧组主创团队的拍摄难点。团队赶...
1个回答2023-03-26 10:10