
2023-09-10 05:05

We Can't Stop - Boyce Avenue, Bea Miller

Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere

Hands in the air like we don't care

'Cause we came to have so much fun now
Bet somebody here might be the one now

If you'脊升乎re not ready to go home

Can I get a Hell no

'Cause we're gonna go all night
'Til we see the sunlight alright
So la da di da di
We like to party
Dancing you and me
Doing whatever we want

This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop

And we won't stop

Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life
And we can't stop
And we won't stop

We run things things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yeah Yeah

To my homegirls just tryin' to live it up
Shaking it the like they can't get enough

Remember only god can judge us
Forget the haters 'cause somebody loves ya
Memories made 'til the nights through
Surrounded by the ones who love you

We all so turned up here getting turned up yeah
So La da li da di
We like to party
Dancing you and me doing whatever we want

And this is our house And this is our rules
And we can't stop

And we won't stop

Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it we who about that life
And we can't stop
And we won't stop

We run things Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yeah Yeah
It'笑首s our party We can do what we want to
It's our house We can LOVE who want to
It's our song We can sing if we want to
It's my mouth I can SAY what I want to
Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhh ohhh
And we can't stop

And we won't stop

Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it we who about that life
And we can't stop
And we won't stop

We run things Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yeah Yeah
It's our party We can do what we want to
It's our house We can LOVE we want to
Can't you see it'樱悉s we who own the night
Can't you see it we who about that life

It's our song We can sing if we want to
It's my mouth I can SAY what I want to
We run things Thins don't run we

Cause we can't stop
1个回答2022-12-18 04:23
1个回答2022-12-19 11:55
1个回答2023-08-08 16:21
1个回答2023-08-10 07:32
全诗是: 萧萧梧敏悉叶送寒声, 江上秋风动客情; 知有儿童挑促织, 夜深篱落一灯明. 诗名《夜书所见》 作者:叶绍翁 1、萧萧:风声.梧:梧桐树. 2、首伍客情:旅客...
2个回答2022-06-13 04:36
全诗是: 萧萧梧叶送寒声, 江上秋风动客情; 知有儿童挑促织, 夜深篱落一灯明。 诗名《夜书所见》 作者:叶绍翁 1、萧萧:风声。梧:梧桐树。 2、客情:旅客思乡之情。 3、挑:捉。促织:俗称蟋...
4个回答2022-08-01 16:50
意思是:枯叶落下声音萧索。 萧萧落叶是从“无边落木萧萧下”里发展出来的,这个句子很妙萧萧打头直接引人进入清冷的深秋,落叶强化语境。 “萧萧”是个象声词,没有具体的意义,可以理解为“沙沙”的声音。...
1个回答2023-08-08 00:31
1个回答2022-07-13 12:42
1个回答2023-08-06 10:14
无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。   落叶飘零,无边无际,纷纷扬扬,萧萧而下;奔流不尽的长江,汹涌澎湃,滚滚奔腾而来。 颔联为千古名句,写秋天肃穆萧杀、空旷辽阔的景色,一句仰视,一句俯视,有疏宕之气。...
叶绍翁 夜书所见里的萧萧是什么意思
1个回答2022-11-13 09:12