
2019-07-28 06:30:02小小张说10:29 10.9万

Many of my intermediate and advanced students feel that they still lack confidence when it comes to spoken English mainly because they don`t feel that they speak very fast or very fluently.



So today I`m going to give eight tips to help you to think in English, and stop translating in your head and this in turn will help you to improve your spoken English speed and fluency。



And hopefully your overall confidence when speaking English and we`re starting right now.



The first thing you should do is to start naming objects in your environment in your target language not your native language. So as you go about your day when you see something then rather than thinking ah a hairbrush, a dog, a bus ,an old lady, instead you should think of the world in your target language.



If it was Spanish you might say ah Cepill para el pelo, if that`s the right world in Spanish, you might even go a step further, and have a whole sentence, where is my hairbrush? by doing this , you will make the vocabulary come second nature, without having to think about the translation.

如果目标语是西班牙语,你可能会说Cepill para el pelo,如果这个词在西班牙语中是正确的,你甚至可以进一步说一整句话,我的梳子在哪?这样做,你会让这些词汇成为习惯,不用考虑翻译。


Tip number two when you`re having an English conversation with a native with a teacher or with a student, and try to keep the conversation going, and don`t stop just because you can`t think of the world that you want to use, instead try to work around the word, by finding an alternative word or by finding a way to describe the object that you want to name.



And then perhaps your partner can help you to find the right world, this helps you to exercise confidence in your conversation. And it will also help you to bring up more vocabulary, as you work around that one missing word.



Asking your teacher to only speak in the target language, so this tip is to force yourself into situations, where you cannot use your native language .



It`s very easy to drop out of using the target language, and just ask a question in your native language, I know because I`m currently learning German, and I always drop out to speak English in order to find out how or what I`m supposed to say or what I`m supposed to do in a class.



But if you are forced to use only the target language,then you`ll be surprised how effective that can be at accelerating your learning, so if you`re taking lessons ask the teacher to only speak in the target language, if you`re practicing with a language buddy a language partner then ask them to for the next half an hour.



Let`s only speak in the target language or perhaps get used to speaking to yourself, you might feel a little strange doing this, but actually once you get used to it, it can be another effective way of learning language , by speaking to yourself you are talking out loud.



But then you`re also getting used to asking questions, and responding all at the same time, perhaps don`t do it when you`re near other people though, because they might think you`re a little bit crazy.



If you do struggle with talking to yourself, then a few ideas would be to narrate what you`re doing , so if you are cleaning the house, you might start narrating your activities, therefore you`ll have to pull on your bank of verbs cleaning verbs, particularly hoovering,washing,tidying,folding,putting away, another thing you can do is keep a diary, and at the end of the day talk out loud as if you were telling somebody what you have done today, of course this will really pull on using the past tense which is excellent.



And then once you`ve said it out loud, perhaps and write it down and look at your sentence structure, your grammar your vocabulary, perhaps ask someone if they can check it all over for you , to see if you`ve made any mistakes.



The next tip is also related to what I`ve just said, and it`s speak out loud often, the way to improve your speaking speed is to practice speaking , practice pronouncing and putting together lots of words.



One of the things that really does slow students down is remembering how a word sounds, or trying to remember the correct pronunciation , or grammatical order sentence structure, and so by speaking out loud often.



It will help you to become more familiar with how things sound, but also to make your muscles more familiar with rounding and sounding, all of those words .



So one thing you can do it to read out loud, take a publication in English, perhaps a newspaper or a magazine and read it , go online and find an online article or a blog and read it out loud, by doing this regularly you`re really getting into the habit of speaking .



The next tip is to get a dictionary, now not an ordinary dictionary, which translates from the target language into your native language, we can access there types of dictionaries on our phones and on the computers, but actually they don`t really help as a learner`s dictionary.



A learner`s dictionary is specifically aimed at helping you, to improve your overall knowledge of a language, and give you a more simplified and well-rounded understanding of words and phrases.



The learner`s dictionary I recommend for British English, is the Cambridge learner`s dictionary, I will put a link to that one and a few others down in the description box below. If you are interested in finding out more。



so the next tip is to get involved in an  English activity every day. This might be watching a movie having a conversation, it might be doing a class, but make sure you incorporate something English into your every single day, by doing this you`ll keep it in your mind, and who doesn`t enjoy watching an English movie?



But that brings me on to my next tip , no subtitles, once you`re at an intermediate or advanced level, you no longer need subtitles, and in fact they`re probably holding you back, because you will automatically draw your eyes down to the subtitles, you`re missing all the body language. Missing all the context and actually you`ll then just looking at in your native language and hearing the target language rather than really absorbing the target language.



And thinking about what`s being said, so get rid of the subtitles, if you really struggle without them , at least watch it once without them, see what you can pick up then go back and put in the subtitles.



But I would implore you to try without subtitles from now on, no more subtitles.



And last but by no means least is to practice common question and responses, there are certain questions and responses that we say every day, and a number of times, and if you can get these questions and responses to be automatic, and it`s going to help the flow of your conversation, and it`s going to help your confidence.



So for example, hi how are you , I`m really good thank you , or I`m not doing so good, what are you doing what are you doing later? I`m busy at the moments, I`m going to work ,I`m going to school, how about you ? what else could you ask, you could ask what`s your name how old are you ah, I am Anna and I am 21 years old I am, you could ask what are you having for dinner, or what time are you getting hoe from work, what`s your EAT?



So go through your day , and think about which questions and responses, are very common on your day-to -day conversations, make a note of them translate them , and then start practicing firing them off , so when you come to have a generic normal common conversation with somebody, they`ll think wow what a confident English speaker you are.



So there you go , I hope you found that helpful, if you have any additional advice, for students who are struggling to think in English, or any target language, and I`m really translating everything in their heads, if you could help them with that, something I haven`t mentioned please do put it in the comment section below。



Let`s share and care about one another, if you `re new here then welcome, please do click the subscribe button, and the bell notification for more English lessons, if you enjoyed this video , please give it a thumb up. And I`ll see you in the next class.








您是为家长吧!我向您推荐冯德全教师的早教系统,上网是可以购买的。这是很好的书籍,基本上实施了这种教育方法的,一般最低也是研究生。还有在小学期间,千万不要太严格,让孩子尽情的玩,这是为了开发孩子的大脑。当然不要太宠着孩子了,比如一个橘子给孩子吃,您千万不要帮他,这是独立自主的问题,让孩子独立自主孩子长大才能成才 反正就是冯老的早教书,是很好的 这位妈妈,希望我的回答对你有好处 我自己的头脑也不是很好,总是跟不上老师上课的节奏,这是因为我父母从小逼我读书,从来不给玩 现在,以前贪玩的孩子却十分聪明,那是因为他们把大脑开发了 外国那诺贝尔奖的都是怎么拿的 首先离不开努力,其次就是大脑的,他们小学的时候,基本老师不布置作业,给孩子尽情的玩,这样开发了孩子的大脑,让孩子成为了国家栋梁 希望你的孩子有所出息














1、敏捷性思维 小学生的思维敏捷性是随着年龄的发展不断进步的,主要变现在数学计算,生字词的记忆,对新知识的运用等上面,随着年级的增长,敏捷性也会随之发生变化。家长们一定要留意对孩子思维敏捷性的培养。具体的做法就是:让孩子拓展不同领域的知识而不仅限于课本;注重孩子动手能力的培养;有节奏、有层次的逐步提高认知对象的难度;逐步培养孩子的统筹分析能力。 2、独立性思维 独立思考能力是如此的重要。具备独立思考能力的孩子会将既有的知识点和工具加工出价值的、新颖的、超预期的素材,并为己所用。独立思考能力也是思维发展的全新阶段,是孩子脱离模仿、摆脱权威束缚的重要能力,也是未来成就的基础。可以通过让孩子先模仿,然后半独立创造,最后到独立发展的过程进行培养。 3、活泼性思维 活泼的思维发展会让孩子通过不同的角度和渠道去理解一个相似的事物,并不断提升分析、统筹、迭代思维,开拓新的思路。例如:对新知内容的举一反三,对原有文章剧情的情境再现等等,它帮助孩子关注事物的细节,剥离认知元素的特点,并逐步抓住问题的本质。 4、深刻性思维 深刻性听起来比较隐晦,其实就是对既有知识在不同领域和表现形式下的运用和推演,举个例子就是数学运算公式既可以在作业题中运用;也可以在生活应用中运用;同样,还可以通过自己独立的抽象逻辑思维把它总结成自己的语言并转述给他人,随着思维深刻性的发展,孩子的思维水平也得到了提高


培养数学思维能力学习方法如下: 1.加强训练,培养学生思维的灵活性 为了发展学生准确迅速灵活的解题能力,在应用题教学中,应该重视自编题及一题多解的训练。自编应用题不仅要考虑结构的合理性,以及数量关系的逻辑性和严密性,还要考虑到思维的灵活性,编题的过程实际上是培养学生初步逻辑思维的过程,一题多解的练习,既培养学生思维的灵活性与创造性,又激发学生学习的主动性和积极性。 2.教会方法,发展学生思维的逻辑性 发展学生初步的逻辑思维能力,保证思维具有确定性,无矛盾性。必须严格遵守逻辑的基本规律,教学中要根据教材本身的逻辑性,对不同的内容选择不同的教法,使学生不仅知其然,而且知其所以然。教会学生有条不紊、有根有据地说出思考的过程,解题的步骤,帮助学生掌握思维的方法,提高思维能力 3.学生逻辑思维能力的训练 培养思维能力虽说是小学阶段的重要任务,但是每个年级都有各自不同的任务,不同年龄的学生对知识的接受程度及理解程度都是不同的,由此我们需要划分好每个年级的任务,让任务区别得更加明晰,以此对学生的要求也是逐层递增的。 思维能力体现在很多方面,教师对于学生这一能力的培养需要全程贯彻在教学的每一个层面、每一个阶段,适时地组织学生进行知识回顾和联系,新旧知相结合,对具体问题进行探索和学习。 如何训练数学思维逻辑思维能力 比如有一定教学资历的老师在对二十以内进位加减法进行复习探究的时候就会着力于引导学生自主复习。因为学生已经对这个知识点有了初步掌握,所以对知识的把握要达到一个新的高度,要让学生能够说出解决问题的方法,在错误的题目在能够找到正解的同时知道解题弱点。一道题目可以引导学生找到多个突破口,学会类推和比较,这样有利于培养学生思维的活跃性和灵敏度。 培养思维能力要贯穿在各部分内容的教学中。所谓部分内容就是说具体问题要进行具体分析,有具体的应对措施。无论是向学生解释基本的数学概念还是传授给他们有关计算法则、解题的基本技能,以及对于数学工具的运用,都需要引据实际的例子进行探究和解答。这些例子就是为了让学生运用自己的思维去接受和解释,找出相似的地方及不同于其他知识的特殊点。
