(带文稿)0420VOA 科学家又发现“吃”塑料的细菌【文末小测】

2020-04-20 06:05:00北大小硕张老邪05:31 1万


Researchers have identified a new bacterium that feeds on polyurethane, a kind of plastic that is difficult to recycle or destroy.

Scientists say the discovery could help reduce a flood of hard-to-recycle plastics that are ending up in the world’s landfills and polluting oceans.

A team from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany, found the new strain of soil bacteria. It was identified in an area that contained a large amount of plastic waste.

The team discovered the bacteria were feeding on polyurethane diol, a substance widely used in many different products.

The researchers estimated that in 2015, polyurethane made up 3.5 million tons of Europe’s plastics.

A statue depicting a plastic-throwing dragon is set up in front of the European Commission, during an action by NGO alliance Rethink Plastic to demand an end of the use of disposable plastic, in Brussels on November 26, 2018. (Photo by AFP)

One problem is that recycling polyurethane requires a lot of energy. The plastic material does not melt when heated. Most polyurethane-based products end up in landfills, where they can release dangerous chemicals.

The team found that the bacterium, identified as Pseudomonas putida, can produce enzymes that eat away at polyurethanes. This would make it possible to break down the material in the environment.

The results were recently reported in a study in the publication Frontiers in Microbiology.

Hermann Heipieper helped write the report. He said in a statement the finding “represents an important step in being able to reuse hard-to-recycle (polyurethane) products."

Workers load collected plastic bottles on to a truck at a junk shop in Manila, March 10, 2015. (REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco)

The research is part of a European Union program that seeks to find useful microorganisms. The goal is to identify living things that can help turn oil-based plastics into substances that can be broken down biologically.

Similar experiments have been carried out in the past.

In 2011, Yale University students discovered a fungus that could feed on polyurethane plastic even in a place without air, like at the bottom of a landfill.

Since then, scientists around the world have identified other kinds of fungi that can break down polyurethane. In 2017, a team of scientists identified a fungus that can feed on plastic by breaking down the main chemicals holding it together.

A recycler drags a huge bag of paper sorted for recycling past a heap of non-recyclable material at Richmond sanitary landfill site on 2 June 2018 in the industrial city of Bulawayo.

The German study noted that plastic-eating bacteria could be easily controlled and produced for industrial use. The researchers said the next step is to identify more information about the bacterial enzymes that can break down polyurethane.

Some scientists advise against introducing man-made enzymes or microorganisms into the environment that could be harmful.

Scientist Douglas Rader wrote about the issue in a 2018 article for the Environmental Defense Fund. He said much more study should be carried out to learn about “the complex relationships between plastics and marine ecosystems.” Such research is needed “before we can take drastic action such as” putting plastic-eating bacteria into the ocean, Rader wrote.

In this photo taken on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, plastic bottles and other garbage float in the river Drina near Visegrad, eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina. (AP Photo/Eldar Emric)

The group Plastic Oceans International reports that scientists estimate more than 8 million tons of plastic are thrown into the world’s oceans every year.

An estimated 300 million tons of plastic is produced yearly worldwide. Plastic Oceans International says about half of that amount is created for one use only.

I’m Bryan Lynn.


Why does the article say recycling polyurethane requires a lot of energy?

A.Because of the strength of the material.

B.Because it does not melt when heated.

C.Because it is chemically complex.

D.Because heavy equipment is required.

What is involved in the European Union program described in the article?

A. It seeks to use bacteria to reduce plastic build up in the oceans.

B. It involves experiments with bacteria in plastic-filled landfills.

C. It seeks to use microorganisms to break down plastics biologically.

D. It is testing different fungi to see if they are able to feed on plastics.

What opinion did Douglas Rader express about plastics and bacteria?

A. New research should center on ways to remove plastics from the ocean.

B. More study is needed on how plastic-eating bacteria can affect plant life.

C. Experiments with plastic-eating bacteria should be increased in the ocean.

D. More study is needed before putting plastic-eating bacteria into the ocean.

What did the German scientists say would be the next step in their research?

A. To identify new microorganisms that could target plastics

B. To develop a plastic-eating bacteria for industrial use

C. To test bacteria on other kinds of polyurethane plastics

D. To identify more information about bacterial enzymes

Words in This Story

recycle –v. to reuse something that has been used before often in another way

strain – n. a type of disease or plant

enzyme – n. a chemical substance produced by living cells that makes particular chemical reactions happen in animals and plants

fungus– n. a type of plant without leaves that gets its food from other living or decaying things

ecosystem – n. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment

drastic – adj. sudden or extreme



细菌主要由细胞膜、细胞质、核质体等部分构成 ,有的细菌还有荚膜、鞭毛、菌毛等特殊结构。绝大多数细菌的直径大小在0.5~5μm之间。绝大多数细菌的直径大小在0.5~5μm之间。并可根据形状分为三类,即:球菌、杆菌和螺形菌(包括弧菌、螺菌、螺杆菌)。按细菌的生活方式来分类,分为两大类:自养菌和异养菌,其中异养菌包括腐生菌和寄生菌。按细菌对氧气的需求来分类,可分为需氧(完全需氧和微需氧)和厌氧(不完全厌氧、有氧耐受和完全厌氧)细菌。按细菌生存温度分类,可分为喜冷、常温和喜高温三类。 细菌是生物的主要类群之一,属于细菌域。细菌是所有生物中数量最多的一类,据估计,其总数约有5×10的三十次方个。 细菌的营养方式有自养及异养,其中异养的腐生细菌是生态系中重要的分解者,使碳循环能顺利进行。 细菌广泛分布于土壤和水中,或者与其他生物共生。人体身上也带有相当多的细菌。 细菌是一种单细胞生物体,生物学家把这种生物归入 “裂殖菌类”。细菌细胞的细胞壁非常像普通植物细胞的细胞壁,但没有叶绿素。因此,细菌往往与其他缺乏叶绿素的植物结成团块,并被看作属于“真菌”。


A、细菌是原核生物,只有核糖体一种细胞器,没有叶绿体,故A错误; B、“地狱细菌”能适用于火星环境,因此其可能具有耐寒、耐热、抗干旱以及抗辐射等特征,故B正确; C、“地狱细菌”是原核生物,进行二分裂生殖,这属于无性生殖,不遵循孟德尔遗传定律,故C正确; D、“地狱细菌”是原核生物,没有被核膜包被的成形的细胞核,没有染色体,所以只能在分子水平产生可遗传的变异,即基因突变,故D正确. 故选:A.




细菌(英文:germs;学名:bacteria)广义的细菌即为原核生物是指一大类细胞核无核膜包裹,只存在称作拟核区(nuclear region)(或拟核)的裸露DNA的原始单细胞生物,包括真细菌(eubacteria)和古生菌(archaea)两大类群。人们通常所说的即为狭义的细菌,狭义的细菌为原核微生物的一类,是一类形状细短,结构简单,多以二分裂方式进行繁殖的原核生物,是在自然界分布最广、个体数量最多的有机体,是大自然物质循环的主要参与者。








1、科学的发展与技术的进步密切相关,科学的新发现是建立在缜密的思维和精细的实验基础上的。 2、巴斯德的故事告诉我们,平时只要细心观察,认真思考,勇于实践,就能发现自然界的奥秘。



科学小实验 怎么制作细菌

