
2020-09-21 11:20:06咩咩咩小洋羊22:55 8840







Section A
Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 
1. A) The effects of floods in the U. S. C) U. S. states were facing floods threats. 
B) A heavy storm system struck the U. S. D) Tornadoes destroyed homes in the U. S. 
2. A) It came in early December. C) It destroyed buildings near Memphis. 
B) It ended in Michigan. D) It caused dozens of deaths. 
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 
3. A) Its level was not big enough. C) It struck rural mountainous areas. 
B) Its center was deep below the surface. D) The constructions it struck are solid. 
4. A) More than 200 houses were destroyed. C) Pakistan was the only affected place. 
B) More than 200 people were killed. D) No survivor was found in some affected villages. 
questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 
5. A) 7hy change traditional paths. C) They are losing their habitats. 
B) They generally live in dangerous areas. D) Their habitats are not protected. 
6. A) The biggest danger for them is development. 
B) Few of their paths are dangerous. 
C) They never stop as they move. 
D) They have no place to feed as they move. 
7.A) Urban expansion. C) Agricultural expansion. 
B) Land expansion. D) Industrial expansion. 
Section B 
Directions: In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each 
conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken 
only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices 
marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line 
through the centre. 
Conversation One 
8. A) He wants to improve his language skills. 
B) He wants to enter a US college. 
C) His friend wants to attend a US university. 
D) His friend wants to improve English for a better job. 
9.A) Literature. B) US Culture. C) TOEFL . D) Business English. 
10. A) It offers courses for people who want to improve their professional skills. 
B) It offers job opportunities for people who have studied in it. 
C) Its programs allow students to study in the US. 
D) The students can take its courses locally in their home country. 
A)$2, 030. B) $2, 013. C) $2, 300. D) $2, 330. 
Conversation Two 
12.A) To make an appointment. C) To promote advertisements. 
B) To ask for an interview. D) To have a negotiation. 
13. A)Impatient but then reluctant. C) Convinced but then reluctant. 
B) Indifferent but then interested. D) Accepted but then impatient. 
14. A) It is a company of three years. C) It has earned a lot since it was set up. 
B) It is an advertising company. D) It specializes in selling billboards. 
15. A) Some customers have got their payment back because they're not satisfied. 
B) The company will redo the products again and again until the customers are satisfied. 
C) The company does not sign a contract with its customers concerning ts service. 
D) The man will use the company ’s service when he has a new product. 
Section C 
Directions: In this section,you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear 
some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. 
After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), 
C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the 
Passage One 
16. A) In green forests. C) In the Pacific Ocean. 
B) In dry deserts. D) In the North, Pole region. 
17, A) Snakes like to stay in the sun. C) Snakes are used to extra-hot weather. 
B) Snake like warmth. D) Snakes are good swimmers. 
18. A) They are very intelligent. C) They are more intelligent. 
B) They are the most intelligent. D) They are less intelligent. 
Passage Two 
19. A) He was doing shopping. C) He was making a phone call. 
B) He was watching a film. D) He was talking to a policeman. 
20.A) Her attractive clothing. C) Her unusual height. 
B) Her beautiful figure. D) Her fashionable handbag. 
21. A) He was arrested by the police. C) He had taken the woman's bag by mistake. 
B) He was acting in a film. D) He was only making a joke. 
Passage Three 
22. A) 6 million dollars. B) 25 million dollars. C) 6, 000 dollars. D) 400 million dollars. 
A) An engine room. B) A big kitchen. C) A great theatre. D) A high building. 
24. A) the plane is safe even if two of its engines fail. 
B) There are three engines on each of the giant jet plane. 
C) There is an extra engine on each of the giant jet plane. 
D) The engines never fail on the giant jet plane. 
25. A) Two mechanical pilots will do the job. 
B) The giant jet will crash. 
C) The giant jet will be forced to land. 
D) The engines of the giant jet will stop working.

Section A
Directions: In this section,
you will hear three news reports.
At the end of each news report,
you will hear two or three questions.
Both the news report and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer
from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.
Last night,
eight million people in 16 U.S. states were under a flood warning.
It was what remained of a heavy storm system
that struck in late December,
stretching from New Mexico to Michigan and going its way east.
It brought several powerful tornadoes to Texas,
destroying homes and buildings near Dallas.
Hailstorms, snowstorms,
hundreds of flight cancellations hit the central part of the country
and dozens of people died in the severe conditions
brought by the system.
For some, the worst of it came well after the storm hit,
as flood waters flowed in the rivers,
they covered their banks and spilled through communities.
The Mississippi flooded parts of Illinois
and its swollen water slowly spread out
along the Mississippi southern part.
It’s not expected to reach its highest point in Memphis,
Tennessee, until January 9th.
1. What’s the news report mainly about?
2. What do we learn about the storm system
from the news report?
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.
We’re starting today with a report on a major earthquake
that struck Southern Asia yesterday.
Its center,
the point directly above the quake,
was in northeastern Afghanistan.
The force was felt in neighboring Pakistan and Tajikistan,
as well as two countries over in India.
Its level was 7.5,
capable of huge damage.
But geologists say because its center was so deep,
more than 130 miles below the surface,
its effects were limited.
Still, Afghan officials say more than 4,000 houses were severely damaged
or destroyed and more than 200 people, mostly in Pakistan,
were confirmed dead when we produced this show.
The quake hit a rural mountainous area.
Some affected villages are hard for rescuers to reach.
They also don’t have good basic constructions
like solid bridges or reliable communications systems.
So, that’s another challenge.
3. Why was the effect of the earthquake limited?
4. What was the consequence of the earthquake?
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.
Scientists say a huge percentage of bird species are in danger
because their habitats, or homelands, are disappearing.
Traditional migration paths take birds through countries
that are not protecting locations to stop, rest and feed.
The scientists studied the migration, or flight, paths,
of almost 1,500 species.
They decided that 91 percent of them passed through dangerous areas.
The major danger for migratory birds is development.
Building and paving has covered over nature
where birds stop and feed
as they move from one part of the world to another.
For example,
a bird called the bar-tailed godwit migrates
from its breeding grounds in the Arctic.
It flies all the way to the southern hemisphere
in Australia and New Zealand.
Along the way,
the small birds stop at Yellow Sea mudflats in China,
North Korea and South Korea.
One of the scientists who worked on the study says
“many of these critical sites have been lost to land reuse owing to urban,
industrial and agricultural expansion.”
5. Why are bird species in danger according to the news report?
6. What do we learn about migratory birds from the news?
7. What is the reason for the lost of critical sites for migratory birds?
Section B
Directions: In this section,
you will hear two long conversations.
At the end of each conversation,
you will hear four questions.
Both the conversation and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer
from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Conversation One
W: English Language Center.
May I help you?
M: Yes. I'm calling to find out
more information about your program.
For example,
what kind of courses do you offer?
W: Well, first of all,
the purpose of our program is
to provide language learning opportunities for this area's community,
whether a student's goal is to master basic functional language skills,
let's say, for his or her job,
or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.
M: Okay. I'm calling for a friend
who is interested in attending a US university.
W: And that's the kind of, uh,
instruction that we provide,
from basic communication courses
to content-based classes such as computer literacy,
intercultural communication,
and business English.
M: Great. What are your application deadlines for the next semester?
W: Well, we ask applicants to apply no later
than two months before the semester begins.
This gives us time to process the application and issue the student's I-20.
M: An I-20?
W: Oh, an I-20 is a form that indicates that
we are giving permission for the student to study in our program,
and then the student takes this form
to the US embassy in his or her home country
to apply for the F-1 student visa.
M: All right.
What is the tuition for a full-time student?
W: It's two thousand thirty dollars.
M: And how does one apply?
W: Well, we can send you an application
and you can mail it back to us,
or you can fill out our application that's on our Web site.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8. Why does the man make the phone call?
9. What is one course taught at the English Language Center?
10. What do we learn from the conversation
about English Language Center?
11. What is the tuition for a full-time student?
Conversation Two
W: Hello, Mr. Cooper.
I'm Lina Redner,
sales representative for Scarecrow Advertising Company.
M: I don't think we have an appointment.
W: No, we don't.
You'll have to excuse me for this.
M: Since you are already here,
what can I do for you?
W: Well, as far as I know,
your company was founded three years ago
and your business has been quite good for the past two years.
M: I'm quite busy, Miss Redner.
If you don't mind,
just get straight to the point.
W: OK. I believe that you must have seen a lot of S.A.C.
designed TV commercials and billboards,
and if we cooperate,
it'll certainly make your products better known and sold.
What do you think?
M: I'm quite satisfied with the company
that designs our advertisements at present.
W: Don't say no for no's sake, please.
Here are some samples of our designs.
Have a look, if you please.
M: All right...
They're pretty good but...
W: The payment we ask for is very reasonable.
Besides, you won't have the bondage of a contract.
If you're not satisfied with us,
we'll refund the money.
But, of course,
such a thing has never happened.
We'll redo the commercial or billboard
over and over again until you're satisfied.
M: There's no harm in giving it a try, I think.
Leave your card.
I'll call you when the next new product is ready to go on the market.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What is the woman trying to do in the conversation?
13. What’s the man’s reaction to the woman’s words?
14. What do we know about the man’s company?
15. What do we know about the service of the woman’s company?
Section C
Directions: In this section,
you will hear three short passages.
At the end of each passage,
you will hear some questions.
Both the passage and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer from the four choices
marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Snakes may be found just about everywhere
except the North Pole region
and some islands in the South Pacific Ocean.
Some snakes live in warm, dry deserts.
Others live in green forests,
fields and woodlands.
Some never go far from water and are fine swimmers.
Some live all their lives in the sea.
Most snakes can swim.
Because snakes are cold-blooded
and depend on warm air for comfort and existence,
the largest number of snakes is found
in the hottest parts of the earth.
Even so, many snakes stay away
from the direct rays of the sun when possible.
If extra hot weather comes along,
snakes find a coolest place possible and stay there.
In places where it freezes,
snakes often hide themselves far
under the ground or in caves and stay until spring.
Snakes are smart enough to stay alive.
They are smart enough to find food and kill their enemies.
But compared with other animals,
they are believed to be below average in intelligence.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16. In which of the following places have snakes never been found?
17. Why do we find the largest number of snakes in hot regions?
18. How smart are snakes compared with other animals?
Passage Two
One day, John was doing some shopping in the market
when he noticed a beautiful young woman there.
She was very well dressed and he watched her
as she walked round,
looking at the fruit and vegetables which were for sale.
The market was very crowded,
but this woman was so graceful that she stood out in the crowd.
"She looks like a film star," thought John to himself.
Suddenly a thief ran through the crowd
and seized the woman's bag and ran away.
She screamed.
John ran as quickly as he could to the nearest phone box.
He dialed 999.
"Please, come to the market square at once,"
he asked the police,
"A thief has run off with a lady's bag."
John then returned to the market
to try to calm the young woman.
However, the thief had already returned
and was talking to the young woman.
They explained to John that they were only making a film.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
19. What was John doing when he saw the young woman?
20. What made the woman stand out in the crowd?
21. Why did the thief return?
Passage Three
Have you ever traveled on any of the giant jet airplanes?
If you have not been a passenger on one of these planes,
try to imagine a jet which is more than 70 meters long
and more than 5 stories high at the tail.
Such a plane costs at least 25 million dollars to build.
It costs at least $6,000 to fill this giant with fuel.
Inside, the jet looks more like a great theatre than a plane.
It has 6 kitchens.
They are all needed when the plane is full.
The jet can hold more than 400 passengers.
Imagine that number in one jet plane.
Is there any danger that the jet's engines will fail?
Fortunately, the planes appear to be quite safe.
On each plane,
there are twice as many engines as it needs.
If two engines fail on the same side,
the plane can easily use its other engines to land.
There are also two mechanical pilots to take charge,
if the human pilots cannot fly the plane.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
22. How much does it cost to build the giant jet?
23. What does the giant jet look like inside?
24. What do we learn about the engines of the giant jet plane?
25. What will happen if the human pilot cannot fly the plane?
This is the end of Listening Comprehension.









你要说具体些啊,这让我怎么回答? 我是个老师,也许可以帮你 你是初中还是高中,是几年级的要说清楚啊






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目不暇接mù bù xiá jiē [释义] 暇:闲暇;接:接收。可看的东西太多;眼睛都忙得看不过来了。 [语出] 清·郑燮《潍县署中与舍弟墨之二》:“见其扬羽军振彩;倏往倏来;目不暇给。” [正音] 暇;不能读作“jiǎ”。 [辨形] 暇;不能写作“目踪”。 [近义] 应接不暇 [反义] 目不忍睹 [用法] 构成“令人~”的形式。一般作谓语、定语、状语。


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一、基本常识+语言表达 1.宝宝叫什么名字?今年几岁了? 2.爸爸妈妈叫什么名字? 3.宝宝家住在哪儿(大概位置或标志性建筑,小区名称即可)? 4.今天是怎么来的,和谁一起来的,车是什么颜色?
