
主播:cain_k5 播放:2310最近更新: 2022-08-16


Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears who lived in a little house in a wood.

Father bear was a very big bear. 

Mother bear was a medium-sized bear.

Baby bear was just a tiny, little bear.

One morning, Mother bear cooked some porridge for breakfast. She put it into three bowls.

There was a very big bowl for Father bear, a medium-sized bowl for Mother bear and a tiny, little bowl for Baby bear.

the porridge was rather hot so the three bears decided to go for a walk in the wood while it cooled.

Now at the edge of the wood, in another little house, there lived a little girl. Her golden hair was so long that she could sit on it. She was called Goldilocks.

On that very same morning, before breakfast, Goldilocks also went for a walk in the wood.

Soon Goldilocks came to the little house where the three bears lived. The door was open and she peeped inside. When she saw that no one was there, she walked straight in.

Goldilocks saw the three bowls of porridge and the three bowls of porridge and the three spoons on the table. The porridge smelled good and Goldilocks was hungry because she had not had her breakfast.

Goldilocks picked up the very big spoon and tested the porridge in the very big spoon and tasted the porridge in the very big bowl. It was too hot !

Then she picked up the medium-sized spoon and tasted the porridge in the medium-sized bowl. It was too lumpy !

Then she picked up the tiny, little spoon and tasted the porridge in the tiny, little bowl. It was just right.

Soon she had eaten it all up !

Then Goldilocks saw three chairs: a very big chair, a medium-sized chair and a tiny, little chair.

She sat in the very big chair. It was too high !

She sat in the medium-sized chair. It was too hard !

Then she sat in the tiny, little chair. It was just right !

But was the tiny, little chair just right?

No! Goldilocks was rather too heavy for it. The seat began to crack and then it broke.

Oh dear! Goldilocks had broke the tiny, little chair and she was very sorry.

Next, Goldilocks went into the bedroom. There she saw three beds: a very big bed, a medium-sized bed and a tiny, little bed.

She felt tired and thought she would like to sleep.

So Goldilocks climbed up onto the very big bed. it was too hard!

(to be continue...)