
主播:Vic大叔在泰国 播放:1688最近更新: 2022-08-04


作词:王建 作曲:许宁 演唱:王征

天 或明或暗   the sky, bright or dark

月 时隐时现   the moon, comes and goes

凡间处处圆圆扁扁   the people, slick and sly

何时善恶两边   never charitable or evil

善恶只 在 一念之 间  charitable and evil, there's just a thin line

变幻又需 多少 年  while it happens in an instant

事 皆非如愿   events, hardly as wish

情 偶遇风寒   emotions, sometimes hurts

凡间处处恩恩怨怨  life, always gratitude and grudges

何时天蓝海蓝  never bright blue as sky or ocean

爱恨只 在 一念之 间   love and hate, there's just a thin line

变化只需 一转 念  while it happens in an instant

一撇一捺 入 凡  gratitude and grudges, but keep it clean

一步一步 过 坎  ups and downs, but step by step

弃恶从 善 洗心革面 be good,

浪子回头 金不 换and nothing could be more valuable

一阵一阵 风 卷 the wind, round after round 

一浪一浪 滚 翻 the wave, roll after roll

心存善 念 情暖人间 be good,

 试看天地 风云 变 and nothing could shake one’s will