Richard Armitage Classic Love Poems

主播:白面黑眼圈 播放:1.6万最近更新: 2022-08-04

Richard Armitage是本人非常喜爱的一位英国演员,声线也非常迷人。声控的up主已经无法自拔,这个专辑本来是下载下来为方便自己学英音和花痴的。 

一直认为情诗有一种特殊的力量。Richard 在解读康明斯《Carry your heart with me》的时候这样诠释“Love”:B
y carrying the other person's heart ,it strength him, it fortifies him, it makes him resilient to the world,to everything in the life, because i have your heart as well as my heart,those two hearts together make kind of stereo heartbeats, that can fight adversity.