Thought Jar

主播:思想罐子 播放:1650最近更新: 2022-09-22
我们是几个中国的高中生,希望通过Thought Jar这个访谈播客实现:
1、 与更多不同背景和特长的人交流
2、 分享我们的有趣经验和知识
3、 练习高质量的主持、表达和讨论
播客创办者们会轮流做主播,与嘉宾们聊天,内容可能涵盖生活、艺术、教育和社会等话题。我们使用的语言将会是中文或英文,每期节目的标题中用 [CH] 或[EN]来表示中/英文。

We are a group of high schoolers based in China. Through Thought Jar, we hope to:
1. Connect with people from different backgrounds
2. Share interesting experiences and insights
3. Practice hosting, self-expression, and effective discussion
Members of the Thought Jar team will take turns hosting episodes and chat with guests about life, arts, education, society, and more. We will use English or Chinese. Episodes labeled [EN] are in English, while episodes labeled [CH] are in Chinese.
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