Talking ICT


Welcome to Talking ICT! In our 10-minute episodes, we present you with the latest and most valuable ICT information, insights, and practices. With us, you can learn digital transformation cases, keep pace with mind-boggling technologies, and obtain the best insights from global CIOs and experts. To look for more from Talking ICT, contact us at

厉害了,ICT有话说!每期10分钟,华为《ICT有话说》为您呈现最新、最有价值的ICT资讯、洞察和实践。在这里, 你可以get鲜活的数字化转型案例,洞悉黑科技猛料,聆听全球CIO及专业大咖最具洞察的见解,给你的耳朵疯狂打call!想与华为《ICT有话说》进行更多交流?请联系