Fundraising during COVID19 & Surviving as a Travel company; 8x8 (1/3)

2022-09-04 23:16:4227:40 823
所属专辑:Asia Startup Pulse

Welcome everybody to another episode of the China Startup Pulse. We have a special one today. We are back with our Chinaccelerator 8x8 Speaker Series this year with eight influential speakers from all over the world to share their insights for startups in eight minutes.

In this week’s episode, our speakers will share their experience and insights as to how startups can weather through the storm that is the Coronavirus pandemic. Our three guests bring different perspectives given their diverse backgrounds.

[02:13] Edith Yeung

[11:47] Yiying Lu

[18:36] Abel Zhao

Edith Yeung is a General Partner at Proof of Capital and advisor to 500 Startups. Previously, she was the GM at Dolphin Browser where she helped the company grow from 0 to 150 million app downloads. She has also led operation roles at several Fortune 500 companies.

Yiying Lu is one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company. She is the artist behind the globally celebrated Twitter Fail Whale and the dumpling emoji. She has worked with hundreds of tech startups and entrepreneurs around the world, sharing her experiences and educating them about creative innovation.

Abel Zhao is the co-founder and CEO of TravelFlan, an award-winning AI and big data solutions company, empowering Fortune 500 companies including Samsung and China Mobile. 

Many thanks to our guests; host Oscar Ramos; producers Eva Shi and Sagar Chaudhary; editor David; organizer Chinaccelerator; and sponsor People Squared. Be sure to check out our website

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简介:Asia Startup Pulse是一个致力于为全球创业者展现亚洲互联网创业生态圈中最前沿洞见观察的英文播客。播客由亚洲领先的创业加速器中国加速和风投基金SOSV运营,福布斯重磅推荐的中国最佳英文创业播客之一。播客由Ryan Shuken、Oscar Ramos和William Bao Bean担任主播,邀请科技创业圈的专家、人才作为嘉宾,畅谈中国创业生态圈的前沿动态与市场观察。