10 |英飞凌收购赛普拉斯、DAC大会上对Mentor名誉CEO的访谈

2019-06-11 11:56:22 91


I’m Brian Santo, EE Times Editor in Chief, and you're listening to EETimes on Air. This is your Briefing for the week ending June 7th.

我是EE Times主编Brian Santo,你正在收听的是EETimes全球联播。这是截至6月7日的一周热点新闻故事。

Today we’ll be talking about…


… a $10 billion dollar acquisition that seemed to come out of nowhere – Infineon bought Cypress Semiconductor, also… 

......突然冒出来的一笔价值100亿美元的收购案 -- 英飞凌买下赛普拉斯半导体......

… the Design Automation Conference – DAC – was held earlier this week. If you know what’s happening with design tools, that gives you a good handle on what’s happening with the semiconductor industry. 


While we were at DAC, we got to talk with Wally Rhines, who ran EDA vendor Mentor for … a long time; he’s now CEO emeritus. He’s someone who knows the business inside and out. In a moment, we’ll hear what he has to say about the state of affairs in the electronics industry.

在DAC大会上,我们与Mentor名誉CEO Wally Rhines进行了交谈。他执掌EDA供应商Mentor有很多年头了,是一个对EDA行业里里外外都了如指掌的人。稍后我们将听到他对电子行业发展的看法。

But first – Infineon’s bombshell announcement. Our London correspondent Nitin Dahad filed the story. Junko Yoshida, one of our global editors, talks with him about what the deal means. 

但首先来听听英飞凌的重磅新闻。由驻伦敦记者Nitin Dahad来讲述这个故事。我们全球编辑之一Junko Yoshida与他讨论这笔交易意味着什么。


JUNKO YOSHIDA: Hi, Nitin. I'm here in Las Vegas. I guess you're back in London from Taiwan. Is that right?

NITIN DAHAD: Absolutely, yes. I've just come back from Taiwan, and did quite a lot there, and you'll be reading more about that later.

JUNKO YOSHIDA: As soon as you came back from Taipei, you weren't even recovered from your jetlag yet. And boom! This big announcement happens. Infineon to buy Cypress Semiconductor at $10 billion. What's going on here? What motivated, do you think Infineon to buy Cypress? Can you walk me through?

NITIN DAHAD: Yes. So first of all it's worth noting this is the biggest acquisition that Infineon has made. And it catapults Infineon to number eight chip manufacturer globally.

So what was the motivation? Well, we need to be aware of the megatrends. The chip industry is going through its usual cyclical downturn. And as a result, we've seen a wave of acquisitions in recent months to both their revenue and reach. In its earnings, Infineon recently indicated flat revenues. So I think the main motivation is that sort of suitable addition to the business that would help meet both short-term and long-term revenue and business goals.

JUNKO YOSHIDA: So wait, Nitin. Infineon has not been so active in big M&A activities for the last several years, while others were jumping into deals.

NITIN DAHAD: Yes. This is a big deal. As we've reported in EETimes, there's been a number of such big acquisitions, especially in connectivity. And we'll talk about that in a few minutes. But this acquisition enables Infineon to offer a wider portfolio and what they say is to link the real world with the digital world and open up the automotive and IoT markets.

JUNKO YOSHIDA: Nitin, if you have to name three, what are the three things among Cypress product lines or technologies that attracted Infineon most?

NITIN DAHAD: I would say it's connectivity components, microcontrollers and the NOR flash memories. Connectivity is clearly important for IoT and ultimately wireless. Microcontrollers for the automotive electronic architectures and infotainment. And automotive memory, which is a hot growth area. I mean, I had a demonstration of some of their memory in Nuremberg last year. So they are sort of demonstrating why that sort of failsafe memory and that faster reaction memory is quite important.

As one analyst told us this week, $400 million of Cypress automotive business comes from infotainment, microcontroller and connectivity solutions. But Infineon's ADAS solutions were also being reinforced by the growing demand for NOR flash memory for autonomous driving.

JUNKO YOSHIDA: Got it! So just to be clear, microcontrollers Infineon will be from Cypress are more of infotainment MCUs rather than safety-critical microcontrollers, which Infineon already has, right?

NITIN DAHAD: Yes. I think there's a broad reach, and I was sort of looking at Cypress website, and there is a microcontroller obviously for various applications. But yes. Particularly, this ADA's for infotainment and things like that.

JUNKO YOSHIDA: So as we cover various news, we realize that NXP just bought Marvell's WiFi and Bluetooth, and now we hear Infineon is buying Cypress. Why do you think that connectivity is suddenly getting hot among chip companies? For Infineon, is this an IoT play or an automotive play?

NITIN DAHAD: I think it's bigger than that, but yes, definitely IoT and both automotive. But let's just look at connectivity. It's huge everywhere just now. With 5G already starting to roll out, I think many industries are really looking to see how they can benefit from 5G's play beyond just the consumer. People talk about faster speeds, etc. But we're looking now into enterprise and industry and the applications there. So all the chip players have been talking for a while about developing products for a smart, connected world. So for example, smart cities, smart factories, smart mobility, smart buildings, smart everything. You name it, we'll have smart.


















简介:延承世界各大通讯社严谨公正、影响甚钜的优良专业传统,ASPENCORE 英文广播服务自2018 年秋为全球听众呈献首期广播摘要节目《电子工程专辑全球联播》,运用深度、长篇的新闻采集和分析手法和风格,释义科技进步与人类生活品质相辅相成的发展,实时记载全球科技界同仁为创新而孜孜不倦、互勉互进的共同记忆。
