
What is the most important English skill? What skill must you have to communicate well?
Obviously, number 1 is Fluency. What is fluency? Fluency is the ability to speak (and understand)
English quickly and easily... WITHOUT translation. Fluency means you can talk easily with native
speakers-- they easily understand you, and you easily understand them. In fact, you speak and
understand instantly.
Fluency is your most important English goal.
The research is clear-- there is only ONE way to get fluency. You do not get fluency by reading text-
books. You do not get fluency by going to English schools. You do not get fluency by studying
grammar rules.
Listening Is The Key
To get English fluency, you must have a lot of understandable repetitive listening. That is the
ONLY way. To be a FANTASTIC English speaker, you must learn English with your ears, not with
your eyes. In other words, you must listen. Your ears are the key to excellent speaking.
What kind of listening is best? Well, it must be understandable and must be repetitive. Both of
those words are important-- Understandable and Repetitive.
If you don't understand, you learn nothing. You will not improve. That's why listening to English TV
does not help you. You don't understand most of it. It is too difficult. It is too fast.
Its obvious right? If you do not understand, you will not improve. So, the best listening material is
EASY. That’s right, you should listen mostly to easy English. Most students listen to English that is
much too difficult. They don’t understand enough, and so they learn slowly. Listen to easier English,
and your speaking will improve faster!
Understanding is Only Half The Formula.
Understanding is not enough. You must also have a lot of repetition. If you hear a new word only
once, you will soon forget it. If you hear it 5 times, you will still probably forget it!
You must hear new words and new grammar many times before you will understand them
How many times is necessary? Most people must hear a new word 30 times to remember it forever.
To know a word and instantly understand it, you probably need to hear it 50-100 times!
That's why I tell my students to listen to all of my lessons many times. I tell them to listen to the

Mini-Stories, the Vocab Lessons, The Point-of-View Stories, and the Audio articles everyday. I rec-
ommend that they listen to each lesson a total of 30 times (for example, 2 times a day for two
So, the two most important points are: listen to easier English and listen to each thing many
Suggestions For Powerful Listening and Excellent Speaking
1. Practice “Narrow Listening”
“Narrow listening” means listening to many things about the same topic. This method is more pow-
erful than trying to listen to many different kinds of things. Students who listen to similar things learn
faster and speak better than students who listen to different kinds of things.
For example, you can choose one speaker and find many things by him. Listen to all of his pod-
casts, audio books, and speeches. This is powerful because all speakers have favorite vocabulary
and grammar. They naturally repeat these many times. By listening to many things by the same
person, you automatically get a lot of vocabulary repetition. You learn faster and deeper!
Another example is to choose one topic to focus on. For example, you could read an easy book, lis-
ten to the same audio book, listen to a podcast about the book, and watch the movie.
I did this with my class in San Francisco. We read “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. Then we
listened to the audio book. Then we watched (and listened to) the movie. Then we listened to inter-
views with actors in the movie. My students learned a lot of vocabulary in a short time, and their
speaking improved very quickly.
2. Divide Your Listening Time
Which is better: to listen for two hours without a break, or to divide that time during the day? Well,
dividing your listening time is best.
By dividing your time throughout the day, you remember more and learn faster. So its much better
to listen 30 minutes in the morning, then 30 minutes in the car or train, then 30 minutes coming
home from work, then 30 minutes before sleep. In fact, this is the exact schedule I recommend to
my students!
3. Use an iPod or MP3 Player
iPods are fantastic. You can put a big listening library on one. Then you can carry your English les-
sons everywhere. You can learn English while walking, while shopping, in the car, in a train, while
With an iPod or MP3 player, you don’t have to worry about CDs. Also, you can find a lot of English
listening on the internet. You can find lessons, stories, podcasts, TV shows, interviews, and audio
books. Simply download the audio, put it on your iPod.. and learn English anywhere!
4. Listen To Movies
Movies are great for learning English BUT you must use them correctly. Don’t watch all of an
English movie. You will not understand it, and therefore you will not learn anything.
Only watch one scene or segment per week (maybe 2-3 minutes). Follow this method:
a) First, watch the scene with subtitles in your language. This will help you understand the general
b) Second, watch the scene with English subtitles. Pause. Use a dictionary to find new words you
don’t understand. Write the new sentences in a notebook.
c) Listen to the scene a few times, with English subtitles. Do not pause.
d) Listen to the scene a few times, without subtitles.
e) Repeat a) - d) everyday for one week.
On the second week, go to the next scene/segment and repeat again. It will take you a long time to
finish a movie. That’s OK, because you will improve your listening and speaking VERY FAST. This
method is powerful-- use it!
5. Read and Listen at the Same Time
Listening and Reading together are very powerful. While you listen to something, also read it. This
will improve your pronunciation.
Reading while listening also helps you understand more difficult material. Read and listen to learn
faster. After you do this a few times, put away the text and just listen. You will understand a lot
more and you will improve faster. Always try to find both audio and text materials.
To start, you can read my blog and listen to my podcast at:
Another great idea is to get both a book and its audio book (ie. the above example of “Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory”).
6 Months To Excellent English Speaking
Follow the above suggestions (and the 7 Rules in my email course) and you will speak excellent
I have been teaching over 10 years. Every student who follows these methods succeeds. Always!
The Effortless English method is the key to speaking excellent English. It is the key to fluency.
You only need 6 months-- 6 months and you will speak easily to native speakers. 6 months and
you will speak quickly and naturally. 6 months and you feel relaxed when you speak English.
You have tried the old ways. You tried textbooks. You tried schools. You tried grammar study.
It is time to try something new!
Good luck. I wish you success with your English learning!
A.J. Hoge
Effortless English




愚者无敌_fz 回复 @宜霖织心


1738318etnm 回复 @宜霖织心

谢谢🙏 第一次找到这么好的资源


在评论区里做下笔记,帮助记忆也方便大家,敲字匆忙,如有疏漏,还请见谅: note 1: 口语的关键是流利,流利的途径是大量反复练习听力,选择的材料要可理解(简单,慢速)可重复(例如: 多次反复听同一单词,30次可达到永久记忆,50-100次可达到瞬时反应的程度;反复听同一听力材料,每天两次,听两周),用耳朵学习而非眼睛。

三生石_wu 回复 @ROSE_2017



note 2: 英语学习五条建议: 1. 听同一人或者主题的听力材料比听不同类型题材的材料效果好(读书,音频书,电影,访问演员节目) 2. 分化听力学习时间效果比集中学习两小时好 (早上,路上,返家途中,睡前各半小时)3. 随身携带听力材料(iPod,mp3)4. 以正确方式用电影学习英语,看一个电影片段,首先看中文字幕,了解大意,然后看英文字幕,暂停,查记新词新句,接着看着英语字幕,多次反复观看片段,之后试试不带字幕看这个片段,最后每天重复以上步骤,重复一周再进行下一片段 5. 同时听说(例如纸质书和音频书同时看)学习效果更好

八面来风_vZ 回复 @ROSE_2017



无意间发现了老师的课程,别的都暂且不听了,跟着这位老师学起来!期待能Effortless English

Reborn12 回复 @LisaS_na


白鹿乐跑 回复 @听友217347040


1390621vpst 回复 @LisaS_na




Cathyjun 回复 @MelissaChiang


听友10215293 回复 @MelissaChiang


1375021plun 回复 @MelissaChiang
