
听友188516521 回复 @听友259195946

systems, many patients, the additional training,三个小错误要扣一分,不要把细节给错了,要发就发对的




systems, many patients, the additional training,三个小错误要扣一分,不要把细节给错了,要发就发对的



It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States. Students must attend the college or university and do well on their studies. Once in medical school students spend their first two years mainly classroom study. They learn about the body and all Its systems. They also begin studying how to

本本乐 回复 @赵小玥丫

do well in

廞鋅 回复 @赵小玥丫

应该是in classroom

LAnJann 回复 @赵小玥丫



recognize and treat disease. By the third year students begin working with patients in hospital. Experienced doctors have trained many patients by them as they work. During the forth year students begin a plan to program in hospital. For the additional training they will need after medical school.

听友193416024 回复 @赵小玥丫

treated many patients

ThreeFIVE 回复 @赵小玥丫

guide them不是by them, 还有begin applying to programs in hospitals

廞鋅 回复 @赵小玥丫

in hospitals




40.Medical Education It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States. Students must attend a college or university and do well in their studies. Once in medical school students spend their first two years mainly in classroom study.

无名氏的乌鱼子 回复 @无名氏的乌鱼子

During the forth year, students begin applying to programs in hospitals for the additional training they will need after medical school.

无名氏的乌鱼子 回复 @无名氏的乌鱼子

They learn about the body and all its systems. They also begin studying how to recognize and treat disease. By the third year,students begin working with patients in hospitals. Experienced doctors who have treated many patients guild them as they work.