How love and Peace Came to the Woods爱与和平是如何来到森林的

2018-08-31 08:53:2506:52 1万



How love and Peace Came to the Woods

Hello!This is Richard, and I’m here with a fable by Aesop, that Bertie has brought up to date for Storynory.

Mr. Fox was strolling through the woods when he noticed a plump hen sitting on the branch of a tree.

狐狸先生在树林里漫步, 这时他发现一只胖胖的母鸡坐在树枝上。

“Ah,” he said to himself. “Lunch.” But he did not say that aloud. No, he was far too cunning to show what he was really thinking. Instead, he said, “Good day to you, my lovely lady. May the angel of peace be upon you. May your spirit be uplifted with joy.”

"啊," 他心里自言自语地说。"午餐"。但他没有说出声来。不, 他太狡猾了, 看不出他到底在想什么。相反, 他说, "祝你愉快, 我可爱的女士。愿和平天使降临于你。愿你的灵因喜乐而隆起。

“Good day to you,” clucked back the hen.


“Have you strayed from the farmyard?” enquired the fox.

狐狸问道: "你从农家院走失了吗?

“I have,” replied the hen. I had to leave, you see. Cluck! I’m afraid that the farmer’s wife is no honest woman. She kept on stealing my eggs. Cl-uuuck!

"我得," 母鸡回答“我得走了,咯咯。我怕农夫的妻子不是诚实的女人。她总想偷我的鸡蛋。咯咯咯。”

One day, I noticed a hole in the fence. I decided to pop through it, and make my own way in the world. Cluck! ”

“A hole in the fence, you say?” asked Mr. Fox.

“Cluck, indeed,” said the hen.

“有一天, 我注意到篱笆上有个洞。我决定通过它, 要用我自己的生活方式活在这个世界上。咯咯!”

狐狸先生问道: "你说,篱笆上有个洞,?

"咯咯, 真的," 母鸡说。

And Mr. Fox made a quiet note of that piece of information. However, right then, he had more pressing business to attend to.

“And how do you like living on your own?” he enquired. “Do you not miss the warm bosom of friendship?”

狐狸静静地记下了那条信息。然而, 就在那时, 他有更紧迫的业务要处理。

他问道: "你该如何自己一个人生活?难道你不怀念那里温馨的友谊吗?

“Cluck! On the whole, I enjoy my own company,” she replied, “but of course one has to look out for tricky animals. Cluck! who would like to have me for their lunch. Cluck! Cluck!”

“咯咯!总的来说, 我喜欢我的窝, "她回答说," 但当然, 你必须照顾狡猾的动物。咯咯!谁愿意让我吃午饭呢?咯咯!”

“Have you for their lunch, you say?” laughed Mr. Fox. “Darling, that’s so last year! Haven’t you heard the news? We animals have seen the light. We have surrendered to the Power of Love, and we have signed an online Manifesto of Peace. It’s gone viral, don’t you know? Yes, the days of eating one another are absolutely over. Meat is totally off the menu. And nobody misses it, not one tiny, tender, tasty bit. The new in-diet is vegetarianism. Why, even the owl has quit a life-long habit of eating mice, and now lives on sunflower seeds. She feels so much better for it. And ever since the wolf found inner-tranquility through mindfulness and meditation, he has realised that he just LOVES turnips for dinner. As for myself, I’m rather partial to a slither of red, succulent, raw beetroot. Indeed, we animals are on a spiritual journey. We have learned that the only true things in this universe are - Love, Peace and Friendship. Share the memes. Make Love not War! Practice the Power of Now! Eat up your Veggies!”

“你有吃他们的午餐?”狐狸大笑。“亲爱的, 那是去年!你没听到这个消息吗?我们的动物已经看到了光。我们已经屈服于爱的力量, 我们已经签署了一份在线和平宣言。病毒消失了, 你不知道吗?是的, 吃彼此的日子完全结束了。肉完全不在菜单上。没有人不知道, 不是一个小小的, 温柔的, 美味的。新的饮食是素食主义。为什么, 连猫头鹰都戒掉了吃老鼠的长寿习惯, 现在生活在葵花籽上。她感觉好多了。自从狼在沉思和冥想中发现了内心的宁静, 他就意识到他只是喜欢吃萝卜作为晚餐。至于我自己, 我相当偏爱一个红色, 肉质, 生根甜菜。事实上, 我们动物正在进行灵性的旅程。我们了解到, 在这个宇宙中唯一真正的东西就是爱、和平和友谊。学会分享,要爱而不是战争!练习现在的力量!吃光你自己的蔬菜!”

“Cluck,” said the hen. “A Manifesto of Peace, you say. That’s news to me.”

“Well, cluck on down, and I’ll clue you in,” said Mr. Fox, trying not to lick his lips. “You can’t roast, I mean roost, up in that tree until you are past your sell-by-date. What a waste! And what a girth! Join me. We shall be best mates. Let us walk in the woods, you and I, and talk to the most spiritual and fascinating animals. They all know me, and have a deep respect for my soul. I’m so full of love. It just gushes out of me.”

“咯咯, "母鸡说。"你说,和平宣言,这对我来说是个从未知晓的新消息。”“下来, 我带你走。”狐狸先生说, 试图不舔他的嘴唇。"你不能烤, 我的意思是栖息, 在那棵树上, 直到你已经超过了你的销售日期。真是浪费!多么的长啊!跟我来我们将成为最好的伴侣。让我们走在树林里, 你和我, 和最精神和迷人的动物交谈。他们都认识我, 对我的灵魂深表敬意。我充满了爱。只是看不出来。

But the hen said nothing. She uttered not one cluck. Instead, she stared silently into the distance.

但母鸡什么也没说。她一声不鸣。相反, 她默默地凝视着远方。

“Come, come,” said Mr Fox. “The time to meditate is before breakfast. Right now, well, it’s practically lunchtime.”

“Cluck, I’m not meditating,” said the hen. “I’m looking out from my vantage point. And what do you know? Cl-uuck? I see a pack of hunting dogs, and they’re heading this way.”

“A pack of hunting dogs, you say,” said Mr. Fox. “Right-oh, thanks for the tip-off. I’ll make myself scarce.”

"来吧, 来吧," 狐狸说。"冥想的时间是在早餐之前。现在, 嗯, 它实际上是午餐时间。”

“咯咯, 我没有沉思, "母鸡说。"我看着从我的位置看,你知道么?咯咯。我看见一群猎狗, 他们正朝这边跑来。”

“你说一群猎狗?"狐狸先生说。"好吧-哦, 谢谢你的提示。我会让自己藏起来的。”

“Cluck cluck. What’s there to be frightened of? Didn’t you just say that Love and Peace have broken out amongst the animals?”


“I’ll tell you more about that later,” said Mr. Fox scampering off. “The dogs haven’t heard about it, yet. They're not on Facebook.”


And with that, he was gone. And so it seems that the hen wasn’t so dim after all. She was right to be wary of a sudden offer of friendship - and of people who are full of slick slogans about love and peace, at least until they have shown that they practice what they preach.


And Bertie says that you should be wary of charming charlatans too.







