
Oracle bone script memed

Jiaguwen, or "oracle bone script", the earliest Chinese writing inscriptions carved on tortoise shells and animal scapulas, comes alive on the Chinese internet and evolves as a new online language among the young generation. 

Chen Nan, who designs Jiaguwen memes, is happy to know that Chinese netizens like his works. A graduate of the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, Chen has devoted himself to studying Chinese characters' design for 19 years. 

"At present, most people think Jiaguwen is hard to understand and ignore the great historic value of it. Through using Jiaguwen memes, I truly hope that more people can develop an interest in the ancient characters and make it accessible to more people's daily lives," Chen said. 

"The design and promotion of Jiaguwen should follow the trend rather than be turned into a cultural symbol that is obscure and unpredictable," he said. "I never imagined that I could use Jiaguwen to communicate with my friends. I thought they could only be seen in my textbooks and be understood by a few researchers. Also, these memes look so creative and cute," said a Sina Weibo user.

Leave voters change mind


More than 2.6 million people have abandoned their support for Brexit and now back staying in the EU, a major study has concluded. If the huge number of Britons who have changed their mind had voted to stay in the EU in 2016, the referendum would have delivered a clear Remain verdict. 

The data will add to the debate about whether the country now needs a new referendum, with millions having second thoughts about their Leave vote amid growing fears about Britain crashing out of the EU without a deal. The study was carried out by data analysis experts Focaldata for pro-EU campaign group Best for Britain.
鉴于如今有数百万人因愈发担心英国可能无协议脱离欧盟而对自己当初的脱欧立场有所改变,这一数据将加剧有关英国目前是否需要进行一次新公投的讨论。这项研究是亲欧盟组织"Best for Britain"委托数据分析专业公司Focaldata展开的。

Back to school, no phones

Monday is the first day that French schoolchildren under 15 cannot use their cellphones at any point during the school day, thanks to a new nationwide law. The ban, passed in July following a campaign pledge made by French President Emmanuel Macron, will affect elementary and junior high schools across the country. 

The new law, which went into effect on Aug 5, bans all types of cellphones, as well as tablets and smartwatches. While a ban on cellphones during class hours was already in place since 2010, the new law extends to breaks and mealtimes. Schools are free to choose themselves if they will implement the ban for students over 15. 

Amazon reaches $1 trillion

Amazon.com Inc on Tuesday briefly joined Apple Inc to become the second $1 trillion publicly listed US company after its stock price more than doubled in a year as it grew rapidly in retail and cloud computing. 

Its shares traded as high as $2,050.50 before easing a little to end the session at $2,039.51, up 1.3%. If the online retailer's shares keep up their recent pace, it would be a matter of when, not if, Amazon's stock market valuation eclipses that of iPhone maker Apple, which reached $1 trillion on Aug 2. 

Apple took almost 38 years as a public company to achieve the trillion dollar milestone, while Amazon got there in 21 years. Analysts expect Apple's revenue to jump 14.9% in its fiscal year ending in September, according to Thomson Reuters data, a hefty rise but still far short of Amazon's expected revenue growth of 32% for 2018.

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