
2018-09-07 08:44:4909:46 491
所属专辑:English900 米兰64版

        [ Conversation ]


JOHN:  Excuse me, Bill. What's the date today?

BILL:   Ireally don't know. What month is this?

JOHN:   Thisis June. But I don't know what the date is.

BILL:   Ibelieve it's the ninth or the tenth of June.

JOHN:  Itmust be June 9. What year is this?

BILL:   Iknow what year it is. This is nineteen sixty-six.

JOHN:  Right. So today is June 9, 1966.

BILL:   Isn'tthis your birthday?

JOHN:   No,it isn't. My birthday is the twelfth of June.

BILL:   Whatyear were you born in?

JOHN:   I wasborn in nineteen forty-five.

BILL:   And Iwas born in nineteen forty-one.

JOHN:   Whatdo you want to talk about?

BILL:   Let'stalk about agriculture. What do you know about that?


HELEN:    Where were you last April?

MARTHA:  Iwas here during the month of April.

HELEN:   Weren't you in the hospital for several weekslast year?

MARTHA:  Yes,I was. But that was in July.

HELEN:   Oh  yes.I remember when you were in the hospital.

MARTHA:  Doyou remember I was in the hospital on your birthday?

HELEN:   Yes. I remember very well.

MARTHA: Excuse me, Helen. Can you tell me the correct time?

HELEN:   No, I can't. My watch is slow.

MARTHA:  Itmust be about four thirty.

HELEN:   What time does the theater open?

MARTHA:  Thetheater doesn't open until six thirty.

HELEN:   We'll be there on time, won't we?

MARTHA:  Ohyes. We'll be on time. My family will be on time too.


MR. GREEN:   Who is that man over there?

MRS. BROWM:  That's Mr. Harrison, I believe. That's Fred's father.

MR. GREEN:   Oh yes. I know him. His first name is Peter.

MRS. BROWM:  Yes,and his wife's name is Jane.

MR. GREEN:   Where was Mister. Harrison born? Do you know?

MRS. BROWM:  Yes.He was born in a small city not far from here.

MR. GREEN:   And was his wife born there too?

MRS. BROWM:  I don't think so. I don't know where his wife was born.

MR. GREEN: What's the date today, Mrs. Brown? I don't have a calendar

MRS. BROWM: Today is Tuesday, September thirtieth,nineteen sixty-four. 

MR. GREEN:  September 30? Oh! I have a meeting tonight..

MRS. BROWM:  What time does your meeting begin?

MR. GREEN:    It ought to begin about eight o'clock.

MRS. BROWM:  What time is it now? Don you have the correct time?

MR. GREEN:    I don't know what time it is.

MRS. BROWM:  It must be about five o'clock.

MR. GREEN:    I have to go now. I don't want to be late.

MRS. BROWM:  You won't be late. It's early.



JACK:   Todayis Monday, December tenth, isn't it?

JIM:     Yes, I think so. It must be Monday.

JACK:   Idon't have a calendar, so I don't know the date.

JIM:     I don't have a calendar, either.

JACK:   Wherewere you born, Jim?

JIM:     I was born in a little town very near here.

JACK:   Wereyou born in nineteen thirty-eight?

JIM:    No, I wasn't. I was born in nineteenthirty-nine

JACK:   Doyou remember where you were in April, nineteen fifty?

JIM:  No. Ireally don't remember where I was at that time.



DR. RICE:   What do you know about engineering, Dr. Baker?

DR. BAKER:  Idon't know anything about engineering.

DR. RICE:   Well, what do you know about agriculture?

DR. BAKER:  Idon't know anything about agriculture either.

DR. RICE:   Do you know much about history?

DR. BAKER: What do you want to know?

DR. RICE:  Something about the ten century. What do you know about that ?

DR. BAKER:  Not very much. Let'stalk about something else.







