The Growth of An Emerging E-Commerce Startup with Lu Guo, Founder of Shopal

2022-09-09 23:56:0432:38 1034
所属专辑:Asia Startup Pulse

本期播客我们邀请中国加速第7期校友创业团队Shopal 创始人郭璐分享


As an early pioneer in cross-border commerce, Lu Guo chose to leave a multinational company and jump into the jungles of entrepreneurship. She shared her belief behind building her startup Shopal which aims to help global brands to build a strong presence in China through a data-driven process. She also shared her early stage business life in an accelerator - Chinaccelerator. Here is a quote from her: “The scary piece is that you only believe in system”.

Shopal is a solution provider for online and offline retailers in China which has secured RMB200 million (US$29.17 million) in a series B+ round in September 2018. Chinaccelerator SOSV invested in Shopal as one of Batch 7 companies.

Show notes: 

01:06 Introduce Lu Guo 

02:00 First experience in cross-border commerce space 

03:37 What is Shopal and stories behind Shopal 

07:23 The concept of “TP” 

07:57 Lu’s motivation to leave the comfortable zone 

10:31 Differences between being an entrepreneur and working in corporates 13:47 As a Vice President in Johnson&Johnson 

16:30 What triggered Lu to jump into the jungle of entrepreneurship 

18:50 Change and opportunities in the commerce industry 

22:29 How Shopal helps global brands in China 

24:20 The biggest technology breakthrough for Shopal 

26:23 Data driven process 

27:23 The future of Shopal 

29:11 Business and life in Chinaccelerator 

31:00 Contact Shopal

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Many thanks to our host Oscar Ramos and guest Lu Guo, editor David and Geep, organizer Chinaccelerator and sponsor People Squared. Be sure to check out our website




简介:Asia Startup Pulse是一个致力于为全球创业者展现亚洲互联网创业生态圈中最前沿洞见观察的英文播客。播客由亚洲领先的创业加速器中国加速和风投基金SOSV运营,福布斯重磅推荐的中国最佳英文创业播客之一。播客由Ryan Shuken、Oscar Ramos和William Bao Bean担任主播,邀请科技创业圈的专家、人才作为嘉宾,畅谈中国创业生态圈的前沿动态与市场观察。