1-1-Z1(第一周 星期一 专题演练 Dictation1)

2023-12-28 20:22:5010:29 1463

本专辑是配套由机械工业出版社出版的《英语专业四级听力周计划 第7版》(书号:61110)一书的音频,由专业外教朗读,地道美语发音,帮助您快速提升英语专业四级听力水平,适应最新改革后的英语专业四级考试!如需纸版图书,欢迎到各大书店购买。




A Midlife Career Change What should a person do or think about / when contemplating a midlife career change? First, clearly define your priorities. Next, have a big-picture goal for your career and your lifestyle in mind. Knowing that you want to make a change is the first step in the process, but be sure not to get stuck there. Take the next step by identifying specifically what you would like to see in your next career. Also, know what you are hoping to achieve this time around that is different from what you have already done up to this point.