NO.39 Please create your own unique and expression请做独特的自己

2023-07-14 06:17:3703:40 2564

The conditions state or quality of being free from all flaws or defects一种状态或者品质不带一丝错误和缺陷
I think the actual definition should be a 10-letter word describing something that doesn’t exist or prison一个10个字母的单词用来形容那些不存在的东西或者牢笼
Maybe straightjacket可能是约束你的东西
See perfection is a virus完美就像是病毒
a tumor肿瘤
growthy 它发育良好
it infects the mind of who it attaches itself to并入侵一个将完美作为自己目标的人until it eventually最终destroys the host毁掉他
I hate the very word perfection我十分讨厌完美这个词
It has driven me crazy for years guided by fear它让我多年来带着恐惧而变得疯狂
I was constantly comparing myself to my peers它不断让我陷入与同伴的对比stressing and striving to reach some idea that only existed让我焦虑,让我挣扎着去想一些in here 只存在于脑海中的幻想
Oh you thought perfection was real啊!你觉得完美是真实存在的
Well I disagree但我不同意
I mean have you ever seen a perfect tree in real life我的意思是你在现实生活中有看到一棵完美的树吗?
Have you ever gone into a forest and seen a perfect tree你有去到一片森林然后见到一棵完美的树吗
Now I see they all got a little something going on我现在可以看到的是他们总是有些长歪的地方
some lean this way有些往这边歪
some lean that way有一些往那边歪some have a little too much loss有些不见了很多枝丫树干
and some got a whole bunch of bark that’s been ripped off还有一些被剥掉了很多树皮
But somehow但无论如何they’re all beautiful它们都很美
But when it comes to people we don’t seem to see that we are all beautiful但当我们讨论到人的时候我们似乎就没有发现我们也是这么漂亮的
In all of our expressions so we dissect ourselves into pieces我们所有的表述当中,我们把自己分解成碎片
judging each other thinking用这类想法给别人下判断
perfection is something we can achieve认为我们都应该变得完美
which leads us to feeling depleted and defeated这让我们感到筋疲力尽,无比受挫
but Salvador Dali’s said it但是萨尔瓦多曾经说过
best have no fear of perfection because you never reach it最好不要害怕完美,因为世界上根本没有完美
Ladies and gentlemen, there are two doors in life各位请听我说,人生有两道门
Door number one第一道门
Be perfect and be admired变得完美,备受瞩目和尊崇
Or door number two第二道门
Be real and be loved保持真实,感受被爱
I say choose door number two我想说选择第二道门吧
and choose it quick快点,别犹豫
Because life’s too short to try to live up to something that doesn’t even exist因为人生苦短,没有时间浪费在那些不存在的东西上
It makes no sense这样没有任何意义
So please create your own unique and expression所以做独特的自己吧
Color outside the lines在生活中画上属于自己的色彩
Be the pretzel that refuses to not做事要像咸脆饼一样干脆,学会拒绝
Be the marble that doesn’t quite roll right要像大理石一样有棱角和纹理,不随波逐流
Do the dance that nobody’s ever seen before为人生谱写一支别人从未见过的舞
And don’t worry if people stop and stare别担心人们会停下脚步盯着你看
I mean if the learning Tower of Pisa was straight如果比萨斜塔不是斜的
Nobody would care没有人会多看它一眼
See what mistakes are made beauty id birthed看到了吧,缺陷和错误催生出独特的美丽
You know why they call it the Model T 你知道福特T型车的名字是怎么来的吗?
Because that’s how many letters it took for Henry Ford to因为亨利福特一直从编号A做到编号T
So don’t worry about always being first and getting it right所以别怕成为先锋,只要做好自己的事
I mean sony’s very first product they ever made我想说的是,索尼最开始生产的产品
It cooked rice是电饭煲
So embrace your mistakes 所以拥抱自己的缺陷与错误吧
They are to be savored我们每个人都值得细细品味
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor失败是给成功添彩的佐料
And true success is being ourselves in a world 真正的成功应该是在这个千篇一律的世界
that’s constantly trying to make you someone else做独一无二的自己
You know I was reading the other day 有一天我读到
about a Japanese tradition called Kintsugi日本有一种传统叫金缮修复
What they do is if an object breaks他们的工作是当一样东西破损之后
they feel the cracks were pure gold他们觉得碎片也是很美的
Because they believe that when something suffers damage因为他们认为当一些事物遭受损害时and has a history那它是有历史韵味的
It is all the more beautiful所有这些让它变得更动人
So I say love your cracks所以拥抱自己的错误和缺陷吧
You may call it brokenness你可以称之为缺陷
but it is the way your light will shine through但那会是你生命之光照进来的地方
And if you have no one in your corner如果你觉得没有人支持你
Then consider me your supporter那就把我当作你的支持者吧
And we will smile together我们可以一起微笑面对生活
as society tries to diagnose our gifts as disorders面对这个认为我们的天赋是一种失调的社会
You don’t need to be a perfect person你不需要成为一个完美的人
With perfect makeup画着完美的妆
perfect skill拥有完美的技能
or a perfect build或者完美的形体
Because the truth is real people aren’t perfect因为事实上现实中的人都是不完美的
and perfect people are real 而完美的人就是真实的人





梅洛斯合奏团专辑《普罗科菲耶夫 G小調五重奏Op.39》



华人古典吉他沙龙-精选音乐教学曲谱配套资料 Vol.39



《舒曼: 埃辛多夫诗歌声乐套曲集,Op.39》演唱:菲舍尔 - 迪斯考



3.No, No, No!




